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Unread Messages [Sunwoo]

[Sunwoo] Are you free tomorrow?
[You] Yes.
[Sunwoo] But I have soccer training until 6pm. You can go home first. I'll pick you up at your house.
[You] No, it's fine. I'll wait at the library after school.
[Sunwoo] But the library closes at 5pm.
[You] It's okay, I'll find a way.
[Sunwoo] Sure?
[You] Yes, don't worry.
[Sunwoo] Okay.

Dabin sighed. Sunwoo's words earlier only caused her to overthink even more. She started to assume that the pair broke up because of his feelings towards her.

Why would he like her? They barely knew each other. No, she barely knew him.


Dabin packed her things up, getting ready to leave the library. But she had no idea where to go while waiting for Sunwoo to finish his practice.

Should I take a walk around school then?

The girl politely bowed at the librarian who was currently standing at the entrance, probably getting ready to take her leave. She made her way towards the school garden but was stopped by a familiar voice at the hallway.

"Oh, Dabin?" The girl turned her head towards the voice.

"Why are you still here?" She asked, frowning her eyebrows.

"I just finished my baseball practice." The girl just mouthed an "oh" in return.

Eric awkwardly rubbed his nape, hesitated to utter his next words, causing Dabin to raised her eyebrows, chuckling at him. "What is it?"

"I'm planning to grab something from the street stall. Do you want to join me?"

"No. She's with me." They turned their heads towards the voice almost at the same time.

Eric snickered upon seeing the familiar face. "I don't think so.  She doesn't seem to be occupied right now." He mockingly raised his eyebrows, clearly unsatisfied with the statement made by his friend earlier.

"Oh-emm, I'm actually waiting for Sunwoo just now." The girl replied but there was a slight feeling of guilty in her voice.

"Whatever! What about we go there together, both of you." Eric irritatedly pointed at his two friends.

"Unfortunately, we already have plans. Maybe next time, Eric."  Sunwoo replied.

Dabin felt a grip around her wrist, dragging her away from the place. That sudden contact completely caught her off guard, causing her to slightly flinch.

"Tsk, you guys are unbelievable."


"Your practice ended early today." The girl softly spoke but didn't bother to make any eye contact with the guy beside her. Sunwoo responded just by nodding his head.

They still on their awkward state because of the incident that occurred yesterday, but both of them tried so hard not to make the situation tense.

"About what I said yesterday-"

"No, it's okay. I'll pretend like I didn't hear anything." Dabin turned her body towards the boy, waving her hands in front of her face.

Sunwoo smiled as soon as he locked his eyes with the girl's. "No, you don't have to do that."


"I just want you to know that it was genuinely said. I mean it. And I don't expect you to answer me so instantly." He just ruffled the girl's hair before looking away.

The girl froze at her place, confused at the boy's actions.

"But please let me know if you feel the same, or if your heart belongs to someone else. Please let me know, okay?" The girl hesitantly nodded. She kept her head low, too embarrassed to face the boy.

The walk to the boy's house was soundless, but not a peaceful one. They could feel the tension between them. He partially regretted his action but somehow he felt relieved.

"Sunwoo?" The boy just hummed in response.

"You guys broke up, was that because of me?" Sunwoo furrowed his eyebrows upon hearing the sudden question.

"What makes you think so?"

"Uh, err- nothing, nevermind." Dabin scratched her head, cursing under her breath. Sunwoo stopped on his track, still keeping his hands in his pockets.

"Was that the reason why you distanced yourself from us? From me? You started to act like that two days after we broke up. I believe it was not a coincidence."

They locked eyes with each other, but the girl remained silent, not knowing what to answer.

"Look, if you think that your action would bring back our relationship, you're completely wrong. We're not meant for each other from the beginning. I can't tell you the reason right now. I'll save that for later, is that okay?"

Dabin pursed her lips, giving the boy a nod.

"Uh, one more." Sunwoo clasped his hands together, raising them up to his face level. Dabin raised her eyebrows, signaling him to proceed with his words.

"Can you also let me know if there's anyone hitting on you?" Sunwoo hesitantly spoke, causing the girl to slightly smile. His action was adorable to her at that moment.

"Why should I do that?" Dabin playfully replied, crossing her arms close to her chest. Sunwoo chuckled, messing up the girl's hair.

"I want to know my rival of course."


"Did you tell her?"

"Tell her what?" Sunwoo sipped his iced coffee, looking at his friend.

Hyunjae scoffed. "Stop playing dumb." He slightly smacked the younger's head, causing him to choke on his drink.

"I bet you did. No, I believe you guys have dated already." Eric rolled his eyes, leaning his head against the chair headrest.

"Stop speaking nonsense. We didn't."

"Tsk, as if. You know what Hyunjae? I invited them to eat with me yesterday, but this dummy said they already had plans. Wasn't that suspicious?" Eric nagged at the elders.

"I know, I'm aware of that. I often see them together before Dabin started to act up this past few weeks. I just pretended like I didn't know. But since you're here, you better spill the tea, kid." Hyunjae sent a glare towards the younger boy.

"I'm not lying! I swear there's nothing going on between us! She-she didn't give her answer yet." Sunwoo voiced out, frustratedly ensuring his friends.

"So you did tell her." Haknyeon spoke, earning nod from the tanned guy.

Hyunjae scooted closer and lowered down his head, closely observing the younger's expression. "You really like her, don't you?"

"Yeah, I guess you can tell."


"This afternoon, someone came by. He said that he wanted to meet you." Younghoon spoke upon seeing the girl coming out from her room.


"Yeah. He's a middle-aged man. Probably around 30-40?" Dabin furrowed her eyebrows, trying so hard to think of any possibility, but nothing had came to her mind, except for one.



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Love, Nia♡

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