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Megumi looked all over school.

He went to almost all the classrooms, he went to the gym, he went to the music room, and he even went to the running track. But he still couldn't find him. Lunch was almost over. 

Maybe I should've just waited to tell him after school, Megumi thought. After all, they had more classes together. But it wasn't good enough for Megumi. He needed to see Yuuji right now. He was so eager to see Yuuji that he was going crazy.

Megumi was panting, wondering about which places he didn't look. He opened the doors to staircase Y, and was about to run up them again for the 3rd time, he noticed a figure hunched into a ball, underneath the staircase. 

He had finally found him. It was Yuuji.

"Yuuji!" Megumi called out, running towards him. He ran so fast that he didn't even gauge how tall the staircase was, and he smacked his head against it. 

He stumbled back in dizziness.

"Megumi! Are you okay? What happened?" Yuuji asked concerned. Megumi looked like he was about to fall over so Yuuji caught him. 

"I-I'm fine," Megumi reassured, but he still felt a bit dizzy. "I'm okay." And then he looked at Yuuji. "But nevermind that, there's something I need to tell you. It's important," he said.

Yuuji gulped. "What is it?" He asked.

Megumi faced towards him and grabbed both of Yuuji's hands. "I want to be with you," he said, with absolute resolve.

Yuuji didn't know what to say for a few seconds, but then he turned his head away. "We can't Megumi. I'm not your-"

"I know you're not my soulmate!" Megumi interrupted him. His voice was so loud that it echoed through the staircase. 

A little quieter this time, Megumi said, "I know I'm not your soulmate." He squeezed Yuuji's hands a little bit tighter. "But I still want to be with you."

Yuuji faltered. "I...I don't know..." He said, pain in his voice. "I don't want you to be hurt because of me anymore. I don't want people to think you're cursed, or for your dad to kick you out. I don't...." Yuuji's started to get moist. 

"I don't want to be the cause of your misfortune Megumi." He let go of Megumi's hands.

But Megumi just grabbed them again.

"I..." he started. "I got everything back. The teachers love me again, my dad and sister are willing to talk to me, and I moved back into my house. My life is pretty much the way it used to be." He said. 

Then Megumi shook his head. "But that doesn't matter. I don't care if I end up with misfortune for being with you. I'd sacrifice it all again. Because I love you."

He brought his hands up to hold Yuuji's face and he gave him a kiss.

After Megumi pulled away, he continued. "I chose what I want to do with my life and who I want to be with no matter what anyone tells me, whether it's random strangers, my parents, destiny, or even a goddess. I want to be with you. And nothing is going to change that." He said.

And then he crossed his arms. "Unless you don't want to be with me?" He teased.

Yuuji wiped the tears forming in his eyes. "Of course I want to be with you Megumi. I love you!" He declared. But he had to ask, one more time to make sure, "You're really okay, even with all the omens? Even with that prediction that you'll die?"

Megumi just laughed. "Well then, if I'm going to die soon, it's worth it if I can spend the rest of time I have happy with you." He smiled. 

"I want you to stay by my side, Yuuji." He repeated, one more time. 

That was enough for Yuuji to hear as he spread his arms out, and tackled Megumi into a hug. This was the best thing that Yuuji had ever heard in his life.

"From now on, we'll always be together." 

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