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Megumi knocked on the front door of his house. "Hello, it's me. Megumi," he called out.  "I'm back." He announced. "Can you open the door?"

"What the fuck do you want?" His dad Toji yelled from inside the house. "If you're still with that Yuuji kid then this house is no place for you." He rebuked him.

Megumi sighed. "I'm not with him anymore. We broke up. It wasn't working out because he wasn't my soulmate. I'm..." Megumi hesitated. "I'm going to get back with Yuuta. So let me in." He requested. 

Nothing happened for a few moments. But then Toji slightly opened the door. "You mean that?" He asked.

"Yeah," Megumi confirmed. "I mean it. So let me back in."

Toji opened the door all the way to let Megumi inside the house. "Good," Toji shut the door behind him. "I'm glad you finally came to your senses and stopped with all your bullshit. Soulmates should be with each other. And that's the way it's supposed to be."

He sat on the couch. "You're lucky I won the first place of the lottery again. Looks like your curse is starting to fade after you made that decision. Finally you aren't a giant disappointment, unlike Tsumiki."

Megumi ignored his comment and walked up the stairs.

So I'm back now, Megumi thought. I can sleep in my own house again. And I can talk to my dad and sister normally. I feel like I should be comfortable now. 

But I don't feel any better. 


Megumi dialed Yuuta's number on his cellphone. He picked up right away.

"Hey," Megumi greeted him. "I've been thinking about stuff recently. And I want to start dating you properly. I realized that it's stupid to go against the soulmate thing. After all, it was created so we could be happy. So, if you want to, can we try dating?" He asked.

The phone was silent for a second. Then Yuuta exclaimed, "I'd love to Megumi! I missed you so much! But are you sure you want to date me? I don't want to if you don't want to."

I don't think I actually want to, Megumi thought. But he just replied, "yeah, let's date. We're soulmates after all."

"Oh, okay then. That's great," Yuuta said, trying to hide his giddiness on the phone. He could hear Yuuta calling out to his parents, 'Megumi wants to date me now!' and he heard Yuuta's parents cheer on the other end of the line. Megumi hung up before he could hear anymore.

So now I'm back with Yuuta, Megumi thought. But I still feel nothing.


It was two weeks later.

Megumi and Yuuta were walking down the hallway, hand in hand, the school's most loved couple once again. 

People saw them and they started gushing, happy that Megumi had finally 'come to his senses' and that he was with his proper soulmate now. 

Megumi was once again, the school's golden boy. Loved by his teacher's, the student body, accepted by society, and accepted back into his house.

But to Megumi it didn't mean shit. Because he wasn't happy.

As they were walking, Megumi saw Yuuji appear from behind the corner. 

They just stood there, looking at each other. Yuuji opened his mouth to say something, but didn't. Then he walked away quickly. Megumi was about to reach his hand out, but he stopped himself. 

"I'm glad you and Yuuji won't be cursed anymore," Yuuta said, who was still beside him. "That time must've been hard for both of you." Megumi didn't say anything. Yuuta tugged on his hand and they started walking together.

I still miss him, Megumi thought. I miss him. 


I miss him, Yuuji thought.

He just saw Megumi and Yuuta together walking in the hallway, holding hands. He felt jealousy rise up in him, and hurt that Yuuta was with Megumi instead of him.

For those two weeks that he was without Megumi, he felt so lonely. He tried everything to get his mind off of it. He probably even ended up running the length of a marathon so he could try to forget about his feelings for Megumi. 

But he prevented himself from saying anything. No matter how much he loved Megumi, n matter how much he wanted to be with him, Yuuji hesitated on doing something. Because Yuuta was Megumi's soulmate. Not him.

Once Yuuji reached the back of an empty staircase, he sunk to the ground.

"I want Megumi back," he said to himself. 


Yuuta and Megumi were sitting on the rooftop, having lunch together. Megumi was eating Yuuta's homemade bento. It was in a green container, and Yuuta got all his favorite foods right again.

"Thanks," he appreciated Yuuta's efforts, and started eating.

Yuuta was really a nice guy. He wasn't annoying as before, and he was actually really sweet now that he started listening to Megumi and they sorted out their feelings. 

But no matter how much he tried to get himself to like Yuuta, it wasn't the same. 

Because Yuuta wasn't the one he really loved. 

It was Yuuji. 

"Megumi, what's wrong?" Yuuta asked him. "You look like something's bothering you."

Megumi decided to open up. "Something is bothering me," he confirmed. "I got my life back, but I lost everything I loved." He put his head down. "In the end it wasn't worth it."

Yuuta put a hand on Megumi's shoulder. "Then if you really love something that much, you should go for it. No matter what happens. That's what I would do, if I were you." He advised.

Megumi looked at him. "And what if it ends up hurting you?" He asked. "What if me pursuing what I love means that you'll get hurt?"

Yuuta thought for a second. But then he gave Megumi a painful smile. "As long as your happy, I don't care about how much it hurts me. Because you're important to me Megumi. And I'll be happy with whatever decision you decide to make." He said, feeling his heartbreak a little as he spoke those words, but he still tried to be strong for Megumi.

Megumi smiled back at him. "You really are a great guy Yuuta. I'm glad that you're my friend." Then he got up.

"I have something important I need to do," he said.

I'm going to go look for Yuuji. 

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