10 - whisper

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It was second period class. 

Yuuji was sitting at his desk, at the last row, while the seat next to him, the window seat, was empty. It was where Megumi sat. 

It was a study period, so they were meant to be quiet and work independently. Despite that, Yuuji couldn't concentrate, because he overheard two girls whispering in front of him.  

"Why is Megumi not here?" A girl whispered. Yuuji tried remembering her name. Maybe it was Ichika?

"Oh it's because he has student council. They're planning some school activity so they are excused for the day I think." The girl next to Ichika answered. Yuuji remembered her, her name was Himari. She always got called on for being late for class.

"Hmm, so student council members have excuses to get out of class? Lucky him." Ichika said with envy. 

"It's not just that. I hear they even get free lunch coupons and special student council uniforms," Himari added. 

"Really? Damn they get so many benefits!" Ichika said.

"Right? Megumi's in the student council, he's rich, good-looking, and has the best grades in the class. He's so privileged!" Himari gushed. And they both snickered to themselves.

Yuuji rolled his eyes. He was glad that Megumi wasn't around to hear what they were saying. Otherwise he would've gotten annoyed. Yuuji himself was getting annoyed having to hear them gossip, but even if he tried to tune the noise out, he couldn't. So he was stuck listening to them.

"Oh wait, in a way it kind of sucks for him though," Himari mentioned.

"Really? Why?" Ichika asked.

Just then, the teacher looked in their direction. "Girls!" The teacher yelled out. "I can hear you talking from all the way at the front of the room! Do you want to stand up and share it with the class?"

The whole class laughed.

"No, sorry." Himari apologized, embarrassed that they could be heard. "We'll be quiet."

But they kept talking anyways.

"Anyways, why does it suck for him?" Ichika urged her to continue.

"Because Okkotsu-senpai is in the student council with him." Himari said. "It must be so awkward for them to have to be together now."

"Why's it awkward?" Ichika continued asking. "I mean, I know that they know each other but aren't they friends?"

Himari looked at her incredulously. "Girl, have you been living under a rock lately? It's because they're exes!" She revealed. "They used to date until Megumi found a new boyfriend. I hear he even dumped Okkotsu-senpai in front of senpai's parents!"

Yuuji's eyes widened in surprise. I thought they were just childhood friends, Yuuji thought.

"Geez that's harsh." Ichika commented. 

"I know right!?" Himari agreed. "Must be awkward to do student council stuff with your ex. I still can't believe they broke up though, I thought they'd always be together."

"Why is that?" Ichika asked again. 

Himari gave her a look of disbelief. "Damn you really are out of the loop! You don't know that either? It's because they both have matching soul marks."

"They do?" Ichika asked out loud.

They do? Yuuji thought in his head.

Himari rolled her eyes. "I can't believe you don't know! Literally everyone knows about this!"

"I told you I don't know much about school gossip." Ichika said, defensive. "Wait, no, I did know that Megumi had a soul mark. I didn't know that Okkotsu-senpai had it too though!"

"Yeah, he has it too." Himari confirmed. "And they have matching marks so they are soulmates!" She exclaimed. 

"Wait, but if they are soulmates then why did Megumi break up with him?" Ichika asked again. It's like she was interviewing Himari on Megumi's love life. 

"Fuck if I know." Himari admitted. "Especially since Okkotsu-senpai is so sweet and handsome." She gushed. "I want to see Megumi's new boyfriend and see how they compare. Do you think his new boyfriend is more handsome than Okkotsu-senpai?"

"Probably, since Megumi dumped Okkotsu-senpai for him after all." Ichika said.

They both laughed. 

"Girls!" The teacher yelled at them. "One more warning and you both have to stand outside. What part about no talking don't you understand?"

"Sorry." They both apologized. They were quiet from then on.

And what they didn't know, was that Megumi's new 'boyfriend' was right behind them, listening to the whole thing.

Soulmates | Itafushi ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz