7 - dinner

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"Can you let go of me? Please?" Megumi asked, annoyed. 

Yuuta was clinging to his arm as they sat at the dinner table with Yuuta's parents. They were at Yuuta's house, having a meal together. 

In the end, Yuuta made Megumi visit his parents despite Megumi's protests. Yuuta always seemed to get his way. 

Megumi just couldn't win when it came to him.

"This is my way of showing affection," Yuuta said, matter-of-factly. Megumi tried moving his arm away but Yuuta still clung to him.

They were eating curry for dinner, which Megumi was forced into helping with. Honestly, it would've been a nice meal if it wasn't for Yuuta and his family ruining. The curry truthfully tasted really good. But Megumi didn't have an appetite. 

"Aww how cute," Yuuta's mom cooed. "You guys are already so close. At the rate you're going you'll be married by graduation!" 

"Married!?" Megumi stood up abruptly. "What makes you think I'll marry him!? That's just taking things too far!" He cried out. 

"Doesn't seem too far to me," Yuuta's dad chimed in. "You two are soulmates, so it's only natural your relationship would progress faster than normal. In fact, back in the day, soulmates would be married at the age you are now." He said.

Yuuta's mom nodded in agreement. "You should be more excited Megumi-kun, that our Yuuta loves you so much. Aren't you happy that you and Yuuta are soulmates?" 

Megumi had had enough. It was always like this, they talked without ever listening to Megumi. And it wasn't just them; it was everyone around him.

He slammed his fist on the table. "How can he be my soulmate!? I'm not even gay!" Megumi argued. 

It was one of those arguments that Megumi just said at the top of his head without really meaning, because, well, actually...

Yuuta's dad disapproved. "Soulmate-ism is something that transcends sexuality. It is the core of your very being. It's who your soul longs for." He explained gently, but that made Megumi even more mad.

Here we go again, he's talking about all the soulmate stuff.

"My soul doesn't long for him, or whatever." Megumi said, disgusted. "I don't like him like that, I don't even like him at all! But you're telling me I have to stay with him for the rest of my life when I'm not even attracted to him. What kind of shit is that?" 

Yuuta's mom was appalled. "How can you not be attracted to him? Yuuta is sweet, talented, kind-hearted, and very good-looking! Are you saying my Yuuta is ugly?" 

Yuuta looked up at Megumi, also awaiting an answer.

"Yeah, he's ugly!" Megumi insulted him. "He's ugly, so I don't want to be near him." 

Megumi didn't actually believe Yuuta was ugly because objectively, he just wasn't. He was actually very nice looking, aside from his obvious eye bags. But that was the only thing he thought of saying. 

Yuuta put his head down. Megumi felt bad about insulting him like that. But still.

"How dare you say that!" She accused. "You're lucky that someone as wonderful as Yuuta is soulmates with someone like you, with your terrible attitude! You should be grateful!"

I'm the one with a terrible attitude!? Look at how you're acting! Megumi thought.

"Well I'm not grateful! At all!" Megumi fired back. "I never asked for any of this this shit! I've been forced to be with Yuuta for my whole life since I was 5 and now I'm done tolerating this. I'm leaving." Megumi shook off Yuuta's arm and walked away from the dinner table. 

Megumi looked at Yuuta dead in the eye and said, "Don't ever talk to me ever again."

Then he picked up his school bag and stormed out the door, slamming it when he left. Yuuta and his parents just looked at him in shock. 


Megumi unlocked the front door and walked into his house at a brisk pace, not wanting to talk to anyone. But he got bombarded with questions anyways, by his dad who was sitting at the couch and his older sister who had just walked down the stairs.

"So I guess the dinner didn't go well?" His dad observed, judging by the expression on Megumi's face and the way he walked. 

"No shit, sherlock." He sassed back. 

"Megumi, you shouldn't be talking to dad like that!" His older sister Tsumiki scolded him. "What even happened at the dinner that's making you act this way?" She wondered.

"They happened." He snapped. "Yuuta was clinging to my arm the whole time, and they pressured me into marriage! Into fucking marriage! Then I told them that Yuuta was ugly so they could shut up and we ended up arguing. And then I left." Megumi explained.

"Sounds like you started being rude first." His dad took Yuuta's parents side. Like he always does. Megumi never won in situations like this.

 His dad continued. "I'm sure there was a better way to handle that situation. Next time you see Yuuta and his parents, go and apologize." He demanded.

"I'm not apologizing, since I don't plan on seeing any of them again." Megumi said he continued walking.

His dad got up and blocked his path. He towered above him, and wore a stern expression on his face. Megumi gulped. Even he was intimidated by his dad.

"You will apologize. And I will be contacting Yuuta's parents to see if you apologize, to both them and Yuuta. And that's final." He said. 

Megumi couldn't argue with him this time. He just kept silent and bowed his head.

His dad moved out of the way, and Megumi continued walking to his room.

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