28 - party

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"Happy 18th Birthday Yuuta!" 

Yuuta blew out the candles of his cake. Everyone cheered and they threw confetti at him. Yuuta smiled widely.

"Thank you everyone, it really means a lot to me!" He beamed.

Every other person in the area was at Yuuta's birthday party. He was loved by almost everyone in the town. They had to rent a fancy dining hall just so they could fit everyone. And even most of the food costs were covered by Yuuta's friends and supporters, although it wasn't needed since Yuuta's family were rich. 

But Yuuta felt a bit down. Because one particular person that he was most looking forward to see wasn't here.

Then he walked in through the door. It was Megumi. He was dressed up nicely for the occasion, and he carried a box wrapped in yellow ribbon with him, presumably Yuuta's birthday present. 

As he walked closer to Yuuta though, people stopped to stare at him. After they broke up and he got back together with Yuuji, people really wanted nothing to do with him. He got some weird looks and groans and some people whispered to themselves, "Why's he here? Isn't he cursed again?

Megumi appeared beside Yuuta and patted him on the shoulder. "Sorry I'm late. Happy Birthday Yuuta," he greeted.

Yuuta lit up. "I thought you wouldn't come! But you really showed up! I'm so happy." He exclaimed.

Megumi scratched his head. "Yeah well, I was debating not to since me being here might spoil your birthday party. But you're a dear friend of mine, and it's your 18th birthday, so I had to come." 

"Here," Megumi handed him the box he was holding. "It's your birthday present."

But before Yuuta could accept it, his mom stormed up to them and yelled, "Don't touch that Yuuta! You might end up cursed!" She swatted away the present out of Megumi's hand. "Why did you come in the first place!? Are you happy that you ruined Yuuta's happiness?" She screamed at him.

"Mom!" Yuuta got angry. "I asked him to come. I invited him. How could you just throw away Megumi's present like that?" 

She slammed her fist on the table. "Because he betrayed you!" She argued. "He left you, his soulmate, for someone else and now he has the audacity to come here like he did nothing wrong!" Then she pointed to the people standing at the door posts. "Guards, somebody, get him out! He's going to get us all cursed!"

People around Megumi started yelling at him. "Get him out!" They yelled. "He's going to curse us!" They kept chanting, telling Megumi to leave. The bodyguards started walking towards him, their arms outstretched so they could pick him up and throw him out.

"Get him out!" They yelled, some even throwing food at him. "Get him out! Get him out! Get him out-" 

"STOP!" Yuuta bellowed out. The people stopped chanting. 

"Everyone stop!" Yuuta yelled again. He turned towards his mom but also addressed the people around him. "Megumi did nothing wrong. He found someone he loves, so I want him to be happy no matter what. Even if it's not with me. Because Megumi is special to me."

"Besides, Megumi didn't actually betray me," Yuuta started. He took a deep breath. 

"Because he isn't actually my soulmate."

The people around Yuuta gasped. Megumi stood there in shock. What? What did he say? Megumi wasn't processing what he had just heard. Yuuta wasn't his soulmate?

"How are you not my real soulmate?" Megumi asked, confused. "But the soul mark! We have matching, identical soul marks in the same place."

Yuuta, just looked down, guilty. "I have some explaining to do. Me and my family have been lying to you." 

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