6 - stuck

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It was early in the morning, around an hour before school started. Yuuji happened to come to school early, so he used the extra time to navigate the school better so he wouldn't get lost again.

Just as he was looking around, he saw Yuuta and Megumi together, walking down the hallways.

Megumi was crossing his arms with a bored expression on his face, meanwhile Yuuta was constantly talking and smiling at Megumi. They seemed close, sort of.

"Megumi let's go the library and read something together!" Yuuta suggested. "Or we can play a game on one of the computers!"

"If I wanted to read something, I'd do it on my own and not with you." Megumi said. "And the computers are for research and typing, not for playing games. We'll just end up occupying a space that someone else should be using."

"Then we'll just have to play a game together after school! Maybe we can go to an arcade?" Yuuta suggested again.

Megumi stopped walking. "Yuuta, only you like arcades." He told him. "I keep telling you I'm not interested!"

"Then we have to find something to do. It's because you don't have a lot of hobbies you like that are meant for two people!" Yuuta kept insisting. "Oh, how about knitting?"

"Again, only you like that." Megumi repeated.

They kept walking down the hallway together.

They really did have a weird relationship, Yuuji thought. Close, but not close. Megumi did say that they were childhood friends. Yuuji wondered again, why was Yuuta so pushy, almost desperate? And how come Megumi didn't just give him a chance. But he remembered that Megumi didn't want to answer why at the restaurant, so Yuuji was just left to speculate.


It was lunch time.

Yuuji was running some errands for a teacher, and had to bring some extra equipment to the roof top since they had nowhere else to store it.

As Yuuji carried the equipment and walked up the the stairs, he spotted them again. It was Yuuta and Megumi, sitting together on the floor, having lunch.

Yuuji tried to put the equipment down stealthily, to avoid disturbing them. But he ended up overhearing some of their conversation.

"Do you like the tempura I made?" Yuuta asked. "I added both sweet potato and eggplant. See, I know you like sweet potato."

They both had bento boxes in front of them, with identical containers and identical lunches. Except Megumi's box was light green and Yuuta's was purple.

"It's fine, it tastes alright." Megumi picked up a piece of tempura with his chopsticks and ate it. "I keep telling you that you don't have to keep making me lunch. I can just buy it myself." He said.

"But this is homemade and it's better than the cafeteria food. Just eat it, I took the time to make it for you after all." He pleaded. Megumi gave in and reluctantly kept eating.

They continued to banter a bit, back and forth, in a way where it was mostly Yuuta talking and suggesting things, and Megumi refusing to some things but giving into others.

Oh yeah, I have to get back. The teacher will probably wonder why I tool so long, Yuuji thought. And then he quietly made his way down the staircase.


School had ended.

Yuuji was just about to go home, after getting his stuff from his locker. He was proud that he had a better idea of the layout now.

But then out of the corner of his eye, he spotted them again. Yuuta and Megumi. Talking near a locker.

Man I keep running into them today, Yuuji thought. I wonder if this is some weird coincidence. But they really are always together. During the times we weren't in class, I don't think I've seen Megumi without Yuuta even once.

Megumi took off his shoes and replaced them with the ones in his locker; the ones he would wear to go home.

"I keep telling you I don't want to go!" Megumi yelled. "I'm not interested in seeing your parents. I have a lot of homework, I just want to go home." He told him.

"Then if you don't want to come to my house, I'll just go to yours!" Yuuta suggested. "We can do homework together and I can say hi to your dad and Tsumiki."

"No, I don't want you to come over." Megumi refused. "I just...." He trailed off. Then he sighed. "Fine, whatever. Let's just go. It doesn't matter anyways." He gave in.

And then they left school together.

Megumi hates going along with Yuuta, but it looks like he gave in a lot of times, Yuuji observed. It really does look one-sided.

And then Yuuji remembered that he had to get home quickly so he could tend to his grandpa.

So he left the school as well to go home. 

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