Chapter 7: Misunderstandings

Start from the beginning

The silence gathering in the air made me even more nervous. I really didn't want to tell him. What would he think of me? Then what if he tells the other boys? That will affect our whole careers and relationship all at once. Did I really want that to happen?

I couldn't tell him. I just couldn't. If it meant tearing him and me apart after I worked so hard to get him back, I couldn't tell him. Also, if it meant risking, not just ours, but the other boys' jobs, then I couldn't afford that risk. Call me an over-thinker, but it was still possible.

"Are you okay, Eddie?" Juicy's voice snapped me back to reality. He watched me with worried eyes, and I cleared my throat.

"I'm okay..." I suddenly met eyes with him, noticing how pretty they were. There was an unfamiliar feeling within me as I looked at him for a few more seconds.

An old memory tugged at the back of my mind that I couldn't place my finger on. I had felt this before, but at the same time, I couldn't understand it...

"So then what did you want to tell me?" He asked, cocking his head to the side innocently. I still remembered when he used to do that all the time.

"It's about last night," I hesitated before deciding to say, "I'm sorry about last night."

Juicy looked down as he started quietly, "Oh..."

"I know, I know," I said again, putting a hand on his shoulder, "I know I shouldn't have left you like that. I'm sorry."

He searched my eyes for some truth, and I really wanted for him to believe me. Even if I couldn't tell him that we fucked last night, I could at least apologize.

Fucked last night... It was still a strange experience. Especially when Juicy was standing right in front of me. My cheeks grew red just imagining it.

"It's alright, big guy," He chuckled a little. So he did remember that. Fuck, what else does he remember that I didn't?

"Juicy..." I asked him, my voice dropping slightly from the embarrassment, "What else do you remember from last night?"

Juicy thought for a few seconds, and I held my breath.

"Well, I feel like Mully was right about me hooking up with someone last night," He rubbed the back of his neck shyly, "I think that's why I'm so sore and feel like my ass is going to fall off."

I laughed to ease the tension in my shoulders, relieved that he didn't remember it was me.

"Plus I woke up..." Juicy glanced away from me, embarrassed. "Just bare naked. But for some reason, the person I hooked up with was gone by the time I woke up. He must've left right after we..." His expression dropped, looking sad all of a sudden.

"What's wrong?" I asked him, suddenly concerned, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," Gaege let out a sigh, "It's just I have a tendency of meeting people who instantly leave me."

My heart ached when he said that, the room suddenly growing sadder. I hated it when Juicy felt sad. Especially since I was guilty of it.

"Forget about that," I put a hand on his shoulder, putting a comforting smile on my face, "I'm here for you now."

Juicy smiled back, and even if it was slightly smaller, it was still there. "Yeah, thanks Eddie," He told me, "And one day, I'm going to find the guy that I was with yesterday."

He laughed shyly, "Because if there's one thing I remember for sure, he was a damn good kisser!"

I suddenly felt my face turn a dark shade of red, and I cleared my throat nervously.

"Sorry, didn't mean to gross you out," Juicy added, laughing at my expression.

"No I'm not grossed out," I answered quietly, trying my absolute best not to stutter on my words. "It's nothing, don't worry about it."

"Then what is it?" Gaege asked again, furrowing his eyebrows, "Eddie, what are you not telling me?"

I felt taken aback by his tone of voice, but responded with, "N-Nothing! Why would there-"

Gaege took a step towards me, making him very close to me. I could feel the heat radiating off his body. He put both his hands on my shoulders, telling me, "Eddie, you can tell me."

My heart beat faster, knowing that I should tell him. But why didn't the words want to form in my mouth? Now that he was this close, I was speechless.

"It's nothing," I finally managed to say, retreating away from him and towards my bedroom, "Don't worry about it. I'm fine."

I started to walk off to my bedroom, but I stopped when I heard Juicy say behind me, "Eddie that's bullshit and you know it."

I closed my eyes, revisiting the urge to turn around and spill everything to him. Feelings from high school came rushing back, and I really didn't want to fight with Gaege again. My eyes were tearing up. Why were they tearing up?

Gaege's (Juicy's) POV
Eddie stopped right before he was about to enter his room, making me stare at him in confusion. He had his back turned to me so I couldn't see his face. "What the hell is going on with you?" I asked, concerned about why he was acting so weird, "You were fine before I came to your house, so what happened?"

Eddie still didn't say anything, but I saw his shoulders drop. He started to walk into his bedroom, leaving me in a tornado of confusion. Why couldn't he just tell me what's wrong?

He shut the door, making me sigh. I rubbed a hand over my face.

I walked to his bedroom door after a few minutes of contemplating my life. I was about to knock when something made me stop.

It was barely noticeable, but I managed to hear it as my hand was about to make contact with his wooden door. I froze, realizing what it was.

They were soft sobs, and they sounded like they were coming from Eddie.

A/N: Thanks for reading, really appreciate it! New chapter out soon, leave a vote if you enjoyed. Have a good mf day and see you in the next chapter :)

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