Chapter 6: Feelings of Betrayal

Start from the beginning

"I know I wouldn't," The boy with blue eyes said, making all of them laugh. My face grew hot, embarrassed and furious all at once.

I then felt rage rush through me, and I leaped towards the blonde boy. With my vision clouded with hot anger, I started punching him as hard as I could. The other boys quickly started punching and attacking me, defending their friend in a tornado of punches and kicks. I yelled as one of them punched me in the jaw, making me fall to the ground in pain.

I crawled backward, feeling my back hit the wall as the bullies glared at me. I was helpless and no one was there to defend me. They kicked me until I was a heap on the floor, and I groaned in pain as blood seeped from my nose. I shouldn't have tried to hit one of them. One last blow to my stomach was all it took, and I held my arms over my head instinctively. They stopped abruptly, and I could hardly see through the hazy cloud of tears stinging my eyes.

The reason why they had stopped was because of someone behind them. It hit me so hard, I couldn't believe it. My eyes instantly met a dark pair, so familiar, that they were hard to miss.

Eddie. And he was watching everything happen without doing anything.

Eddie's POV
I watched in horror as I saw Gaege beaten on the ground. He was clutching at his stomach in pain, and his nose was bleeding. He had a scratch on the side of his head.

What made me even more shocked was to see my friend group standing over them. I knew they were bad influences on me, but I only hanged out with them because they were cool and respected me.

Ever since I started hanging out with them, my grades have been dropping because I had been skipping school. I started doing drugs and smoking, which I knew wasn't good for me. My parents didn't know about any of this either. It was like I was living a secret life, out of their sight at all times. I had changed drastically the past year just because I had been hanging out with them.

"Hey, Eduardo," Jacob said to me, his blonde hair falling in his face, "Finally came to join the party?"

"What the fuck is going on here?" I shoved his shoulder, not daring to look at Gaege on the ground. "This little shit tried to beat me up," Michael scoffed, his blue eyes darting to Gaege, who continued to groan, "Of course, he didn't get far."

I saw Gaege's eyes tearing up, but I didn't know what to do. "What? Do you actually care about him?" Jacob scrunched up his nose, giving me a disgusted look. I couldn't move, and my mouth couldn't form words. "I..." I looked down, turning my back towards Gaege, "I don't know..." 

Michael rolled his eyes, looking back at Gaege. "Don't you forget next time you see us," Michael threatened to Gaege, starting to walk off, "Cause next time we won't play so nice."

They walked down the hallway again, leaving with laughs and rude teasing after them. I looked back at Gaege who had an unreadable expression on his face. He didn't say anything as he collected his bag and stood up with a wince. He looked furious, so furious, he didn't even say a word to me.

"Gaege..." I gently reached out to touch his shoulder, softly whispering, "I'm sorry-"

Gaege suddenly pushed my hand away, staring at me with a scowl. "You're sorry?" Gaege shook his head in disbelief, taking a step back. "Are you fucking kidding me, Eddie? Do you know what just happened to me?!"

"Keep your voice down, please!" I warned him, looking around for anyone around us. "You're going to bring the whole school into this argument."

"No, fuck you, Eddie!" Gaege's voice continued to rise as he burst, "You were there the whole fucking time, and you didn't help me! What the hell is wrong with you?"

I felt a familiar pain in my heart start to rise again, making my eyes tear up as he continued to shout at me.

"Tell me, Eddie, why were you there the whole damn time?" He glared at me, jabbing a finger into my chest that made me stumble back. "Were you watching as I got beat? Were you satisfied like the rest of those motherfuckers?!"

He pointed at the other boys, who were already across the hallway. "Are you happier with them? Cause you might as well tell me now so I can leave!"

His voice cracked when he said the last sentence, breaking my heart. Gaege's eyes were full of upset tears, and I had never seen him like that until then.

"I wasn't planning on telling you this," He then said to me, his voice growing quieter as it trembled. "But I'm dropping out of high school. I'm done with everything and everyone here. Especially you."

"What?!" I finally said, my eyes widening, "Gaege, are you insane?"

"I don't care anymore, Eddie!" Gaege yelled, shaking his head, "No one gives a fuck about me!"

I grew silent, his last words making me hold back tears. "That's not true..." I muttered, "I... I care about you."

Gaege looked at me with sad eyes, wondering if he should believe me or not. He wiped his nose with a sniff, shaking his head again.

"Well, clearly you don't," He finally said, locking his hazel eyes with mine. "Because you would have stood up for me if you did."

He turned around, hesitating before walking off.

"Goodbye, Eddie," He said before continuing. My feet stood frozen in place as I tried to figure out what the fuck just happened. I felt tears rush down my cheeks as I realized how bad I had fucked up.

----- Time skip to the next day... ------

I kept looking for Gaege in the lunchroom, but he wasn't there. I couldn't find him this morning and I couldn't find him now. Where the fuck was he?

I pulled out my cell phone, looking for his contact. I tried texting him, but he had blocked my number and all my socials. It was like he disappeared out of thin air.

"Yo, did you hear that the kid from yesterday dropped out?" Jacob said next to me with a chuckle, "What a loser. Couldn't even take it."

"What. The. Fuck. Is wrong with you?!" I grabbed his collar, rage flowing through my veins, "Do you even care about any of this?! Gaege is gone!" Jacob stared at me in shock as I yelled in frustration.

His words still rang clear in my ears as I walked out in a cloud of rage.

"I'm dropping out of high school because of you..."

All because of me. All of this was my fault, and now, I might never see Gaege again.

A/N: I do not promote bullying in any kind way, so please don't take this personally.

For those of you who don't know what's going on, this is basically Eddie explaining to Narrator what had happened to Eddie and Gaege in high school. Either way, thanks for reading this chapter. A new one will be out soon, love you and take care <3

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