Chapter 28 : Awaken

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🍉 : Goddamn it, Why Don't We is making me feel sad then suddenly vibing up and down- pls take me away from Spotify-


I woke up from my nap by the smell that is coming from the kitchen, I stood up and ready myself for the day.

I took a bath and fixed my bed. I look at myself at the mirror and smiled, "Another day to live huh?" I said while fixing my hair and dress.

"Good morning Ms. Beautylicious~" a voice said while entering my space, then suddenly wrapping his arms on my waist and kissed my head.

"Good morning, Beomgyu" I said while getting out of his embrace, he frowned and held my right hand, stopping me.

"Is something wrong?" he asked, I shake my head, saying no.

"Then why did you take my hug off of you? Why didn't you hugged back?" he asked once again,

"Is there something wrong with not hugging back?"

He furiously nod his head and said "Yes!"

I sighed and hug him while he smile wide, as if he won a big award.

"There, now can we please go down now and eat breakfast? I'm starving"

He nods again and took my hand while we go down.


"Good morning everyone"

"Good morning~"

It always starts just like this every morning, but some things changed ever since I saw what my past really is.

The boys grew even more protective over me, watching every things that I do.


"Watch your steps"

"Let us know if you want something, kay?"

"Y/N, don't go to far when you go out"

"I'll come with you if you want, for protection"

Yeah... just like that.

I also can't do other things without their permission.

I've been watched, everyday and every night.


One day, something happened...

I made a dried flower bloom again...

But not only that... Something made it even more weirder than that...

I was so shocked at what I just did...

I'll tell you what happened,

One day, I saw a withering flower on the shadowy side of the garden.

I took it with me so I can replant it somewhere else, perhaps it can bloom again. Or so I thought.

I then take it with me and place it in an empty flower pot in my room and placed it on my table near the window.

Everyday I watch its petals fall... And it makes me sad...

Then one night, I couldn't sleep. I look outside my window and watch the shadowy figures roam the night.

I sighed and turned around. As soon as I look behind me, my eyes landed on the withering flower on the table.

I went close to it and placed my hands on each side of the pot. I lift my fingers to touch and feel the roughness of its blades. But once I touched it, it falls straight down.

I sighed again and closed my eyes. I imagined the little floret as a little flower girl while happily skipping and playing at the garden. And the flower was placed behind her right ear.

I smiled at the thought and opened my eyes. I once again lightly flutters my fingers on its tiny body and went closer to it.

As I placed my forehead on its top, I think of the little girl again and that she was smiling while also putting her forehead against mine and giggling.

I wished on my head that the flower blooms again while having happy smile and feelings inside it.

And as soon as I pulled away, something sparkle from its top.

Confused, I shrugged it off thinking that I was just sleepy and went to bed.

The next morning, as I yawned and open my eyes while the sunlight hits my face, I heard a girl calls out for my name.

It was like... It was close... Way too close...

I jolt up having the delayed shock on my body while I look around.

However, I saw nothing, not even one sign of a person inside my room.

I stood up and look outside my window, but instead... I just saw a flying pan and a Huening running away while shouting like the dolphin he was-

Disappointment filled my body and turn back to the sight of my room. But when I turned around, I heard it again...


I look up again and searched the room. I thought I wouldn't saw anything again.

But then...

Something shine on my table...

I went close to it, and I saw...

It bloomed again...

It came back to life...

Not only that, I can feel something on it... Like something was inside...

There was a tingling sensation inside of me and I can also feel it inside of the closed flower bud in front of me...

I lightly touched it again...

And I felt no roughness, only softness...

I glide my hands down to its petals to feel it even more. I pinched my cheeks to reassure if I was awake and wasn't dreaming.

I thought I would feel nothing... But it was actually the opposite... iT hUrTS dAMn-

I touched both of the side of my cheeks because I pinched them both for a powerful impact. I rub them lightly with my palm and looks at the bud again.

It was real...

As I was staring at the flower, it moved...

Something was definitely inside of it... I thought...

I was about to touch it again...

But a certain dolphin crying for help interrupt me from doing it-



- Huening Kai

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