He kept on smiling and parked in a small garage at the back of the station.

"We're here," he said in a sing-songy voice.


Okay. I'm done yelling here. Now it's time to go into the police's office.

And see what really was in store for me inside the building in front of me.

As I walked into the police's office, I was to busy finding ways to roast Martin.

And thinking about how bad I was going to get grounded. Hey, you have to think about comebacks! I'm not going to get grounded for something I didn't do. It's just not happening.

I was led to a small conference room. Being alone with Martin? I'd rather eat glass for a month. But I'm not going to do it yet. I just can't wait for a policeman to kick the door down and beat up Martin. Yep, my hate for him is real. Just noticed?

A policeman walked in (Not kicking the door down, sadly, but I wasn't even sure the guy could beat up a baby. I know I can't. They're too cute.) with the handcuff-less Lysander. At least he's not yelling at the police officer anymore.

"Sit down," The policeman that was not Martin told Lysander.

"Well, do I have a choice?" He muttered. At least he earned some sarcasm in his three hours of jail. Maybe he should've stayed to learn more. Maybe I should just run away from here and go home. I have a life, if you didn't know.

"I need proof." The policeman said. Oh wow. I'm confusing myself. I have no idea which policeman I'm talking about at this point. What joy this brings me.

"Proof of...?" Lysander asked. I am 1000% sure he knows what proof the guy meant. Yeah, he's buying time. Not that it costed any money or anything. Why buy time? I'm not sure, but it seems to be working. The man was silent.

"Proof of you shouldn't belong in jail, because all of our proof leads you to being stuck in a jail cell."

"Oh. Wow. I didn't know you even have proof. So. Where's your proof?" Lysander asked, "Because if you don't, then I'm outta here. I need to get my Cheeze-," he coughs, "-allergy prescriptions from the s- pharmacy. Yes, that's what I need to do."

Martin looked at the older policeman. "You know, he's got a point. We really don't got proof..." I don't think he was aware that we were right there and we could hear him. I also don't think he knew that he wasn't speaking the way policemen were supposed to speak. I mean, which policeman uses slang? One I've never heard of. Well, now the psychotic Martin. Yay.

"Spooner, you can leave. But you're walking on thin ice." The older policeman said, waiting for us to leave.

We stood up and left, not talking to one another.

There was no car for us.

Well, I guess we'll have to walk home.

You're welcome for no cliffhanger. *smiles* I had no idea how to end the chapter.

I think I know the cure for the very dangerous disease called Writers Block.

Leaving a cliffhanger. It can literally give you something to write, and continue on and on until you finish the book. Well, I hope this is helpful.

I am very proud to say that the next chapter will be told in LYSANDER'S POV. Yay!

Somerandomhuman88's Tip #2

The most effective way to teach your kids about tax is taking thirty percent of their ice cream.

This should be pretty helpful.

Anyway I posted an announcement on my page telling people to read my authors note (this)... I kinda wanted to see which of my followers paid attention to my announcements.

Since I've recently hit 450 followers, I'll talk to one of you guys with my REAL voice. And I'm picking a couple people.

Comment here —> if you wanna talk.

Even if you don't, just pop in and say hello or something.

Thank you for dealing with me through this chapter!

How was this chapter?

Dedicated to @-butterfliesarise-

Have a great day you guys and let me know if you liked this chapter *smiley face because the literal colon and parentheses in this font is just creepy*


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