part 14

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Fast forward (2 month)
April is almost 5 months pregnant
Merideth is 2 months
The interns are taking their intern exams.
Amelia and arizona's wedding is in 3 weeks.
Owen and Christina wedding will be in a month.

Grey's gc*

Deluca: hey guys , just wanted you to know that the interns won't be available today they are having their intern exams , so if any doctor here needed anything ,  us residents can help.

Alex: deluca that's  the most formal  text message I've ever read, wth is wrong with you

Mark: it's a matter of respect I guess

Deluca : I'm not being formal , it's just an announcement for you guys, plus it's  3% matter of respect since we have Attendings and the chief of surgery are in this gc.

Bailey : thanks Deluca that's nice of you . Alex my office in 5

Izzie: oh  no someone is in trouble

Christina: goodluck evil spawn you need it .

George:the Cardio goddess strikes again

Ameila: I wish my intern class was fun like you guys .

Webber: oh trust me they were pain in the ass

Bailey: that's why I love doctor webber. He doesn't speak unless it's facts

Derek: I'm just surprised that they'll be attendings next year .

Mark:  I just remembered when they wore diapers for extremely long surgeries.

Christina: NO WE DID NOT

Izzie: sloan is just exposing us

Mark: I have alot of things to say about your intern class

Amelia: I would love to know things about mer😂😂😂

Mer: I'll just tell you afterwards,  privately.

Arizona: I want to know silly things about your intern class tooo☹

April: you guys are so funny , ps MAGIC were seattle grace mercy west's dream team , I could remember the days when the merge happened.

Jackson: it was fun competing with others. Look at us now we are best friends more like a family.

Mer: this is so cute , I loved my interns Jo  was always my fav

Jo : awww thanks mer , * blowing kisses  virtually *

Callie: hey I just got back from surgery,  and this chat is wholesome,  it's amazing how we all had memories in this hospital,  we are a true family .

Owen: even tho I didn't get to see your intern class but what you guys have is special , It is great to work here .

Amelia: enough cute things now ... as you know invitations of mine and arizona's wedding were sent this morning it's in 3 weeks.

Arizona: save the date you guys!!

April: I'm so happy for you guys,  these pregnancy hormones are making me cry again.

Mer: I'm so happy for you guys congratulations again

Maggie : congrats sis and arizona you both will be amazing brides.
Christina: and since we are talking about weddings , mine and Owen will be next month

Teddy: oh , I'm so happy  , congrats

Callie: wohooo,  we have 3 brides to be in this hospital

Maggie : this is exciting!!!!

To be continued....

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