part 4

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Time skip: 2 weeks

Mer: guys ! , me and Derek have some news to announce

Derek: I hope you guys support us , it's a big decision.

Richard:sure thing , you can tell us

Mark: what's happening,  grey are you pregnant 🤔?

Amelia: shut up , Mark let them talk

Derek: you all know that robbins and karev  worked on getting kids from Africa to seattle so they can be treated medically.

Mer: so me and Derek fell in love with this little one named zola , and we wanted to tell you guys that we have the will to be her Foster parents.

Lexie : we are getting a baby niece 🥳🥳

Maggie:  I'm tearing up ill be aunt Maggie.

Amelia: I'm in love with this idea , send her kisses from aunt amelia

Christina: well , congratulations ,anyways am I the godmother?😁

Alex: congrats mer ,this is  very great and brave decision to make

Derek and mer: thank you guys for the support we really appreciate that you understood..
Callie: I just read Derek's and mer's texts, I'm happy for you guys, let's celebrate at Joe's tonight.

Hunt: I'm in

April: I'm In

Izzie:I'm in

Goerge:I'm in

Jackson:I'm in

Derek :  thanks Callie

Callie : so Joe's bar it is
Everyone went to Joe's except the  ( teddy, Bailey,  Warren, richard)

The next morning

Christina: I'm too hangover to be performing surgeries on people today

Izzie: me too

Arizona: I agree with you both

Mer: well no body said that you could chug on tequila bottles all night

Bailey: well thank god there is sober doctors around

Amelia: can anyone tell me where can I find banana bags.

Jo wilson: I guess supply closet no 7

Derek : Amelia,  get me a banana bag  I need it the most

Amelia: I can barely walk  get it yourself.

Alex:Oooo sassy amelia is back

Derek:that's my sister  dummy

Maggie: can we all thank callie for yesterday at least since we can't even  remember a thing.

Lexie: I guess we all had a great time , thanks Callie

Callie : you guys are funny when hangover , we should do it more often

George: oh no this cant happen again we have patients to treat

Richard: enough talking get back to work.

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