part 11

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Time skip: 2 month
(April's pregnancy is confirmed she is 2 months now) &( Derek was in Washington for a project)

Derek: hey guys, I just came back from Washington.

Christina: welcome back!!

Callie:welcome back tell us about it

Derek:it was fun the project went well .

Mark: did you meet anyone?

Derek: surprisingly Addison Montgomery was there,  we talked and catched up .

Merideth:sounds that you had fun

Amelia: gosh I miss Addison.  She was my bestie back in L.A

Arizona: just invite your l.a friends to the wedding.

April: you know that's a very great idea, can you send me a list with their names privately,  and I'll add them to the wedding list.

Amelia:sure I'll send them in a bit
(Half an hour later)

Bailey : I just read shepherd's texts , it's great you had fun in DC .we are excited to have you back in 2 days.

Richars:welcome back shepherd

Derek: thanks guys

Owen : I have an announcement to make

Jackson:sure tell us

Teddy:what is it hunt

Owen: I proposed to christina!!!!!

Christina: I SAID YESSSS!!!!

Mer: omg congrats bestie,  I'm so happy for you

Callie : congrats to you both 👏🏻❤

Alex: congrats yang ,enjoy being engaged 😂💖

Arizona: I'm so happy that hunt finally made a move .

Teddy : I'm actually really happy for you guys

Jackson: anyone wants to celebrate 🍾

Mark: I'm down

Owen : thanks guys , but christina and I have a date planned,  so we are out of this

Jackson: so drinks another day then...

George: sure why not

Richard: hey! Anyone free for a bowel obstruction tomorrow night?

Izzie:I'm on night shift tomorrow I can do it

Richard: Stevens you can do it take deluca with you he is talented

Izzie: sure doctor webber

Deluca:thanks for the recommendation doctor webber.

Richard:oh its nothing

To be continued......

A/N: the next chapter will be as a storyline so stay turned..

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