Charlie tilted her head in confusion, "A wreck? Why would I be?"

"We I don't know...since you just drunk almost all of the hotel's alcohol supply!" He didn't want to say it bluntly infront of her, but he new he had to if he wanted Charlie to understand.

The demon princess chuckled at the human's outburst, Anthony glared at her playfully and crossed his arms.
"Sorry to burst your bubble Tony but I'm not prone hang overs" she giggled.

Anthony rolled his eyes, right this was hell, everyone has strength above human.
"You know I was thinkin'....if this was hell, then what happens if demons die here?" He tried to shrug off a recent memory,"They can't be send to double hell right? That would be ridiculous." Anthony tried to laugh it out but it became forced and unnatural.

Charlie raised a brow at his sudden change of behavior, she thought for a moment what his father told her when she was only a tiny demonette.
"No I don't think so Tony, but if you want to know what happens after demons die then I'll tell you."
Anthony nodded without hesitation.

"Well......they just cease to exist, like they were never born."
He let out a short 'oh' after hearing that.
"But don't worry, as long as someone remembers you, you'll continue to stay in there hearts!" Charlie said, again her ever so positive character was back on track, she always has a positive reason why things are just the way they are, always finding the light in a dark abyss—yet Anthony knew she just sweetened the dark truth.

Anthony left her with her duties after that, he continued to search the familiar crimson door. He memorized the path to the radio demon's room by now, and he was thankful he did.

He knocked on the door, ehen he hadn't heard a reply nor was the door open for him, he knocked again, yet the result was the same.

Has Alastor left again?

He leaned his ear on the wooden door, listening intently.

Without warning the door flew open and he was immediately greeted by the sight of the radio demon, who somewhat looked like he was waiting for his arrival the entire time.

"May I help you?" The radio filter on his voice had returned, somehow that made Anthony relieved.

"I uh...." He clearly hadn't thought this through, after brimming with confidence earlier, he was a stuttering mess now.

"C-can we talk?" Anthony asked reluctantly, he was damn nervous alright. He just remembered it had been a while since they last talked, and had been a few weeks since they had stayed with each other's presence this long.

"Sure" Anthony's heart skipped a beat after the reply.

"However what kind of 'talk' are you implying?" The blonde fiddled with his blond locks, it had grown long after not being cut for sometime.
"J-just wanted to ask if everything's fine?" Anthony cursed himself, he really wanted to stop stuttering for goodness sake.

"Well I am quite well, infact my day had been great." the demon grinned, Anthony had to raise a brow at Alastor's reply. Had he forgotten?
Lucas just died as well as the patrons.
Nothing had been well.
But he shrugged it off, it must have been a coincidence and the radio demon actually won a lottery or something.

"That's great!" Anthony returned the smile. The conversation didn't seem to be getting all that awkward and the Radio demon had been answering and happily replying to his questions. So it's safe to assume that it's going well right?

"Actually..." The blonde trailed off, he continue to play with the strands of his hair, daring that if he indeed look at the demon's eyes while confessing, well he might just explode out of embarrassment. "I have been meaning to tell you that I..."

"Hi Al!" His words had been cut off by none other than Charlie who was walking towards them. goddamn it!
He mentally cursed. Of all the times in the world. It just had to be this.

Alastor returned Charlie's greeting and while he did, Charlie snooped a glance to the blonde. Smirking very smugly. She knew what's up. Yet she intentionally ruined it just to tease the blonde.
Anthony gave her his most deadliest glare, the demonette wasn't affected even a little. "Well I best be off, you know, gotta do my responsibilities as the owner."

Anthony was relieved that she was finally leaving.

But after waving goodbye she gave Anthony a thumbs up and whispered a good luck. She then left the two alone, giggling and singing a cliche love song for them to hear.

Alastor cleared his throat, which made Anthony snap back to reality.
"You were saying?" He asked eyeing the blonde curiously.

"Well.." Anthony started. "During this entire time, I've been meaning to tell you.....that I...."

Anthony closed his eyes as he said the words;

"I...I like you Alastor."

And then he heard a laugh, a very sinister laugh.

to be continued...

A human in Hell (RadioDust)Where stories live. Discover now