~merry Christmas Aubrey~

Start from the beginning

Jasper spots Lila's makeup bag, he sits down at the mirror, thinking about how Lila did her makeup that morning, Lila listens down stairs as she feeds Aubrey pancakes, to the rustling of her makeup bag smiling. Jasper opens some of the pallettes look for the colour he wanted, grabbing a small pencil like brush, dipping it in black, he leans closer to the mirror, rubbing the black under his eyes, he pulls away looking at it smiling at himself, blending it out with another brush, that round and fluffy, dipping it in a tiny bit of red eyeshadow, blending it into the black.

"I think that looks okay" he says to himself examining the eyeshadow, he goes back to the bag, rummaging through the bag, old fake eyelashes sticking to his hand, he finds the mascara, he uncrews the top, listen to the pop it makes when he pulls out the mascara wand, he brushes it over his eyelashes, both top and bottom. As the mascara dries he grabs a big fluffy brush, he goes back through the pallettes looking for the blush, once he finds the various rich pink pigments, he dabs the brush into the lightest pink pan, before sweeping the brush over the tip of his nose, and over his cheek bones. "I think she will like this" Jasper said putting the blush away. Jasper grabs the eyeliner, shaking the little bottle like Lila did, before taking off the lid, Jasper scoots closer to the mirror, he slowly makes a line at the corner of his eye, then tries to match it on the other eye.

He sighs as he gets the other even, he finishes the eyeliner by finishing the wing and filling it in, then adding a tiny triangle on the inner corner. He puts the eyeliner back in the bag, he quickly puts everything away and runs down stairs "doll?" Jasper asks standing behind Lila. Lila turns around gasping, she gestures for him to sit down whilst Aubrey was still eating. Jasper sits opposite Lila and Aubrey, with a large smile, "do you like it doll?" Jasper asks his hands ringing in his lap, Lila leans forward to look slightly closer making sure now to disturb Aubrey who was in her lap. 

"You look amazing, your eyeliner is so even" Lila says marveling over her husband's makeup, the corner of her lips twitching upwards "and the blush" Lila cooes at the pink sitting on Jasper's cheeks and nose. Jasper smiles wider "after we finish shall we open the presents?" Jasper asks and Aubrey nibbles on the final pancake, Lila nods lightly, stroking Aubrey's back. The couple smile at eachother as their little girl burps rather loudly "well done baby, now let's change your nappy" Lila said standing up, Jasper stands up too "I'll change her, you can get the stuff out from under the tree" Jasper said holding out his arms, Lila hands Aubrey over to Jasper, Jasper strolls over to the bathroom where the nappies was kept. "Mommy likes my makeup, do you like it?" Jasper asks, as he lies Aubrey down taking off her pyjama bottoms. "Yes" she says staring up at her dad, as he puts on a new nappy, pulling her pyjamas back on.

"Thank you honey, now let's go open some presents" Jasper said picking her up then putting her down on the tiles, walking behind her as the toddle along to the door, that was open, they walk to the living room, Aubrey speeding up to the shiney boxes on the floor. "She's like a magpie" Lila said who was sat on the couch, Jasper laughs, sitting on the rug, crossing his legs, leaning back on his hands "mommy" Aubrey said pointing to the pink boxes, Lila slinks off the couch sitting on the floor, her back against the couch.  "Those are for you, you can open them" Lila said nodding, Aubrey picks up one of the pink boxes, placing it in Lila's lap, before sitting down next to Lila, Aubrey pat's her lap so Lila sets the medium sized box on Aubrey's lap, Aubrey now hidden behind the box. Jasper reaches for their Polaroid camera from the coffee table, snapping a photo of Aubrey her arms on top of the box as she rips the paper off the box, hearing the paper shred, Bimini comes running from upstairs, her bell jingling. 

"Bimini you have presents too" lila said crawling around Jasper and Aubrey, to the tree pulling out a present wrapped in silver paper, "did you wrap that for Bimini?" Jasper asks his eyebrows scrunching together "yep, I can't let one of the children left out that's mean" Lila said helping Bimini unwrap the Christmas paper, inside the paper was a new bed for Bimini, the bottom was purple and the inside was a creme fake fur, on top of the pillow in the cat bed was 3 felt toys shaped like fish. Bimini takes the fish from the bed and lies on her stomach.

His Doll ~ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now