Chapter 160: The Spirit of the Police Shield

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In the quietness, only one person is stumbling while getting up from the ground using a gun for support.

Lalisa watches him, staring at the wound in his chest. She lowers her head suddenly and starts searching the couch, coffee table, and desks frantically. Although the chances are slim, she still wants to try and find the key, find a way out, and go to him immediately.

But what Jungkook can't see and Lalisa doesn't notice is that A, who's lying on the ground, is slowly closing his eyes. It's as if he's talking in his sleep, he murmurs a bunch of nonsense.


Big Sister, Big Sister.......I didn't kill Jungkook...... Don't be sad."

He closes his eyes and stops breathing.

Big Sister, I didn't kill him after all. When I lifted my hand, my thoughts deviated and shot away from his heart.

I think this isn't considered a betrayal. This really isn't.

It's because S said that he wants to give you the life that you want. Therefore, Jungkook cannot die.

It's because I know deep inside long ago that we're the ones in the wrong in this life, like a sad concerto. It's just that I cannot turn back and I don't want to turn back.

Perhaps our lives started on the wrong foot.

And we let it end wrongly.

Lalisa can't open the door.

R was determined to head toward danger. And since he was looking after her for Taehyung, how could he let her have the chance to escape? She leans her back against the door. Using her good arm, she pounds on the door.

"Jungkook! Jungkook!" she shouts. She doesn't know how far away Jungkook is. She just hopes that he can hurry to this secret chamber before the crash happens.

Jungkook stands up slowly. He's like a statue standing high among the dead bodies around him.

At this very moment, the underground begins to shake.

Lalisa jerks her head up and looks around the room shaking like there's an earthquake.

And at the dirt hill area at some unknown distance from her, Jungkook also looks up and watches the shaking ceiling and its falling debris.

It's not an ordinary shake. The shaking is coming from all directions, and it's becoming stronger, Lalisa uses all her might to shout, "Jungkook! I'm over here!"

At the Han River tunnel.

The subway is already entering at full speed.

"Are you ready?" Chatterbox asks.

Cold Face nods.

"We'll be dying soon, so can't you say a few more words?" Chatterbox laughs suddenly.

Cold Face remains quiet for a brief moment before smiling.

"It's a bit unfortunate," he says softly.

Chatterbox lights up a cigarette as the train shakes vigorously. He inhales from it and says "You'll miss your new girlfriend?"

"Mm. And the others."

"Let her and the others remember you forever then!" Chatterbox sighs.

"It's better to forget," Cold Face says softly. He picks up the communication device.

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