Chapter 27 : Turbulences in the background ( Part 2)

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Chatterbox is calling regarding his search of Zheng Cheng Zhi's younger brother Zheng Cheng Da.

"Leader, I still haven't found him yet," he sounds a bit helpless, "Zheng Cheng Da didn't take the train. One of his old hometown neighbours say that it's because he wants to save money, so he's taking the bus. There are too many buses running from Shanghai to City Lan besides the privately run ones . I'll have to look them up one by one. I've already gotten someone to keep an eye at the bus station in City Lan. The moment we spot him, we'll take him back for questioning."

"Mm," Jungkook asks him about other details before hanging up. He then calls Cold Face, Namjoon, and the rest of them one by one for updates.

It's already past 2am when he puts down his phone; a little more than half an hour has passed.

He leans against the chair, fetches the water bottle, and drinks a few mouthfuls.

He can only wait now; waiting for a clue that will help him breakthrough.

When he looks up again, the police car that Lisa is in looks peace and quiet.

He keeps still for a while, and then pushes open the door and gets out.

When he comes to the backseat door, he sees Lisa with her eyes closed and leaning diagonally in the backseat; she's already asleep. Bambam in the driver's seat notices somebody coming close, so he opens the door and gets out, "Oh, Leader, we thought you had left already. Lisa is asleep now. I'm on duty for the first half of the night, and she'll be on duty for the second half. Is there anything? Should I wake her up?"

"No need."

Jungkook speaks in a low voice as he tells him the progress of the other members briefly. He advises Bambam that the moment he spots the Zhou Family, he needs to report back to him right away.

Bambam acknowledges quickly.

Jungkook glances at Lisa in the backseat again, and asks, "You're letting her sleep just like this?"

Bambam doesn't understand his question. He takes a look at her, and asks doubtfully, "Um, how should she sleep then? She always sleeps like this......"

Jungkook's arm is resting on top of the door frame as he stares at Lisa, "It's fine. You can continue with what you're doing."

Bambam says "okay," gets back into the car, puts the laptop on his lap, and continues looking up some information.

Jungkook lowers his head to look at Lisa.

It's fall time, so the weather is getting cooler, and the car window is open. She's not lying down flat, but rather, she's leaning against the backseat in a crooked way. She only has a thin sports jacket on. Her shoes have been taken off and her legs are curled up, revealing her white socks. Her face is resting on one of her arms while the other is embracing her knees.

Jungkook takes off his jacket, pulls open the door, bends over inside, and lays it over her body.

She doesn't budge.

Jungkook presses both of his hands onto the seat, and examines her face.

It's the third time that he sees her sleeping face. It's just like how he remembers it. When she's sleeping, she is not as beautiful and captivating: her lips seem to pout out of habit, making her look childish and innocent.

Jungkook laughs without a sound. Just when he is about to move away, Lisa frowns her eyebrows, moans, and moves her body as if she's feeling a bit hot.

And then the arm that's around her knees slowly moves down. It lands right on the back of his hand.

Jungkook instinctively raises his head to look at her face. She must be dreaming about something as her eyebrows gradually relaxes. Her fingers then grasp onto his palm lightly, and don't move.

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