Chapter 146: Lalisa, My Love Part 1

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"The speed of sound waves is 340 meters per second. When the sound of the explosion happened, there were slight differences in their speed of reaction," Jungkook says. From just these two sentences, Lalisa understands right away. Hoseok also shows an expression of understanding while frowning. Taehyung, on the other hand, is calm and quiet. He clearly thought of it too.

They don't have a lot of time, so Jungkook doesn't explain in detail. He helps Hoseok up, and the four of them start to jog forward. He says to Lalisa, The first to hear the sound of the explosion was the woman. I remember that before we heard it, she had already bent her head down. Therefore, she's the closest to the location of the explosion and is at one level below ground. She's also the nearest to the edge of the shopping center."

Lalisa nods and can't help but glance at his side profile. This man is always smarter and sharper than you can imagine. Who would have taken notice of sound and lighting while investigating a case? But in his eyes, these things have all become clues.

Changwoo, Kyung Jae, Ye Jun, and Ye Junghwan. These four are all at three levels below ground, which is the same as us," he continues in his deep yet crisp voice, "When the explosion happened, their reactions were slower than us by over a second. This can't be caused by vertical distance. It can only be done by being spread further out horizontall and nearer to the riverside."

Lalisa understands completely, but she has one doubt, "What about the one in the middle level? What about that old factory owner, Deoksu?" If we use sound to locate them, there are a number of possibilities for the person in the middle. How does Jungkook know that he must be on two levels below ground? He's too incredible.

Who knew that Jungkook would answer indifferently, "I just guessed."

Lalisa, "Hah?"

Taehyung, who's been quiet all this time, takes a glance at him suddenly. Lalisa can read his expression. Taehyung also couldn't figure out this point that Jungkook made earlier.

The corridor in front of them is still dark. The two men are still unable to have a friendly conversation.

Five minutes later.

It's the women's clothing department in front of them. The lighting is still very dim. From the outside, all construction work and decorations have been done. The floor is glittering white, and almost all of the brand name logos have been installed. Many of the shops have even finished setting up their mannequins. They look to be ready to start their business.

But to the four of them right now, the scene carries a sense of eeriness to it.

They've reached the area where the victims may be kept. Jungkook scans across the place and looks down at Lalisa, "What is the most possible place that they may be hidden at?"

Lalisa answers swiftly, "Changwoo, women's washroom."

All three men are stunned. Lalisa explains, "There are only three possible places that have water at the mall: the fountain, the children's pool area, and the washroom." She explains her reasoning on why she ruled out the first two possibilities and continues, "Only the washroom is left. Although L may look mature on the outside, he's actually just as childish and mischievous as A and likes to mock others. Therefore, Changwoo, as someone whom L looks down on, is the most suitable to be locked in a women's washroom."

"Thump," the sound of a door swinging open. In the emergency lighting, Lalisa stares at the empty women's washroom and frowns.

How could this be?

Nothing. Changwoo is not inside. She was confident of her reasoning, but who knew that she would be wrong.

"Let's go." Jungkook pulls her arm and leads her outside. His face turns solemn while Lalisa also falls into deep thoughts.

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