Chapter 136: S's Profile Part 2

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He wants to draw a profile as well?

Lalisa finds a chair and sits down, staring at Jungkook. The others are also staring at him with excitement. Jungkook isn't as serious as Lalisa, the criminal psychologist: she stands, holds her chest high, and writes on the whiteboard during her summary. He lowers his eyes humming for a split second before turning his chair to face everyone. "Remember the incidents that T planned?" he asks.

Everybody is stunned slightly.

"T's crimes have four distinct characteristics:

Number one, bait. He first sniped the people on the list, letting the police to think that his goal was to punish these people. Of course, it was one of his goals, but it wasn't his main one;

Number two, utilize public opinion. Due to the bait he threw out previously, his crimes were put into the spotlight by the media. This caused a great impact on society when he started to carry out his real punishments later;

Number three, accuracy in controlling time. Just like Lalisa said, this is due to their knowledge of the police system, as well as knowing me and Lalisa well. Before participating in the CS competition, we had already found his place, car, and was going to find his real identity soon. But he used this short time frame, within two-days time, to focus and complete his crimes. He was able to do this because he spent an extensive amount of time in planning."

Everybody nods at this point. Thinking back now, I's series of actions still vivid in their memories. But Jungkook's expression turns indifferent as he speaks, "Number four, his real goal was hidden very deeply and never showed any hints. It wasn't until the very last moment that it was revealed. And at that time, his goal was already achieved and there was no turning back."

Everybody is a bit shocked. Lalisa is also struck dumb. She stares at Jungkook's serious and black pupils. It's as if her mind has captured something blurry, her heart starts to beat quickly.

Jungkook changes the subject, "And then if we look at Jieun, although her planning cannot compare to T, they resonate with each other. She used Lalisa as bait that day to lure me to the deep part of the mountains. She constantly created fake images, wanting me to believe that she lost all hopes and was going crazy. But she hid her real motive very well, which was to lure me to enter the poisonous room so that I would become somebody in a vegetative state," he lifts his eyes and looks at everyone, "Based on T's background info, his whereabouts were unknown after he ran away from home at a young age. He must have joined S's organization at the time. Therefore, his ability to commit crimes may have been just like what Lalisa said. He was trained and influenced by S. The same goe for Jieun. Therefore......"

He pauses, and Lalisa takes over, "...... Therefore, A, L, and R probably have the same style as well."

Jungkook looks at her with his pitch black ink-like pupils and nods.

Chatterbox sitting on the side says pensively, "This means that everything that the three of them are doing: explosions, wax figures, and kidnapping Bambam and Forensic Investigator are all just bait. Because of the provocative letter from before, we all thought that their goal was to fight against the Black Shield Team and avenge their past deceased members. This is one of their goals, but it's not their real main goal?!"

Cold Face thinks for a moment and lifts his head, "Using public opinion and time control." Although his words are short and concise, everybody understands it. These two points are what Tused and what they are using. The three of them have become the topic of public discussions, the media, and online right now. No matter what they will do next, it will capture everyone's attention. Although there is a bit more information about their identities now, a bit more time is still needed to investigate, which is the exact same situation that they were in during T's case a couple of months ago!

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