Chapter Eleven

Comincia dall'inizio

I looked back up at Sorin's face as I crossed the room. His eyes followed me with a piercing gaze, trying to gauge what I was trying to do. I assumed by the slight glimmer of surprise that flicked across his face as I lightly pressed a hand on his stomach and pushed him into the wall that he hadn't figured it out. My lips quirked into a smirk as I tilted my chin up to him, leaned in, and watched Sorin dip his head down. 

Before our lips touched, I dodged his face and reached down, taking the canteen of water from his hands and sipping it. I sighed in his face and pat his chest once.

"Thanks," I whispered, taking the canteen and walking away. 

I didn't have to look back to sense Sorin's annoyed glare aimed at my back. 

Twenty minutes later, I was watching Sophie and Rafe spar on the mat. Sophie's improvement was actually remarkable. She was now able to handle a knife, sometimes two, and her movements were full of grace and swiftness.  Rafe no longer had to hold back on her, and I sometimes could tell it was him who was having to keep up with her. I couldn't explain how Sophie could grasp everything I was throwing at her with such ease, but then I reminded myself that she was a princess. They were used to stressful situations and managing critique.

Toward the end of the fight -both of them were slowing from exhaustion- I glanced over at Sorin, watching the two with an unreadable expression. He hadn't talked to me since the whole water canteen thing, instead deciding to give me yet another round of the silent treatment. 

I swear that man is a child.

By the time I'd looked back, Sophie had Rafe pinned onto the ground, the mock knife against his throat. Rafe looked in utter shock -Sophie in triumph- as they both panted heavily, their chests heaving deeply. Suddenly, Sophie's smile fell. Rafe's hands had traveled slowly up her calves to her thighs, and the look in his eyes as his breath caught was nothing short of desire. Sophie's breathing smoothed, her eyes locked on Rafe's.

It was Sorin's fake gag and cough that separated the two. Rafe shot him a quick glare. 

I stifled a smile as another idea- a more fun one- rooted in my mind. "Again," I instructed as the two climbed from each other, "but this time with Sorin." Now, Rafe looked at me, the shock and resentment returning. He opened his mouth to protest, but Sophie beat him to it.

"Okay," she agreed, wiping her forehead and taking to her spot to the corner again. 

Rafe's eyes widened. "What-?"

"I'm down," Sorin interrupted, sliding the shirt he'd put on back over his head and handing it to Rafe smirking broadly. "Mind holding this for me, kid?" The disgust and hatred on Rafe's face were unmistakable. It was harder this time to stop a laugh.

"Vera you can't be serious," he hissed, standing beside me and dropping Sorin's shirt, taking extra measures to stomp on it.

I ignored him. "Begin." 

"Oh for fuck's sake," Rafe muttered under his breath, watching Sorin lunge for Sophie. As they fought, I swore Sorin kept smirking at Rafe in a taunting manner. Every time, his glare would deepen. "If he touches her, I'm going to kill him."

"Why, because you have a crush on her?" His jaw clench, but he didn't answer me. Sorin swung his fist at Sophie who dodged it. I shifted my weight. "You know, now that I think about it, she does have a nice body. I mean look at that figure. Tell me, which part is your favorite-."

"Shut up," Rafe spat. He half covered his face with his hand to hide his increasing blush. I smiled.

Before long, Sorin had Sophie pinned, his hands on her wrists, pressing her hands above her head. From the impact of being slammed into the ground, Sophie was dazed and breathless. I looked over at Rafe, watching his eye physically twitch.

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