Hyun Bin's mother cleared her throat before starting, "Okay, first requirement: Hyun Bin must finish his high school first. This year you missed a lot of lessons but eomma has consulted your homeroom teacher, after completing 2 months of therapy you can take the last exam after taking several study tests.  "

"Waiting for me to graduate from high school? But the baby will be born around June, the same month with my graduation schedule!"  Hyun Bin immediately protested his mother's first condition.

"Wait for eomma to finish first!" Hyun Bin's mother frowned, distracted. "Secondly, your marriage can only take place immediately after your child is born. That means, if there is no birth, there is no need for marriage." Hyun Bin's mother ignored the disbelieving stares from Ye Jin, Hyun Bin, and his father.

"Please feel free to think of me as cruel or heartless, for me making sure your future remains secure is far more important."

Hyun Bin and Ye Jin looked at each other, ready to protest but their father immediately spoke up, "we are ready to accept these terms.."

"Good. Then we have nothing more to talk about." Hyun Bin's mother ended the meeting before turning to her son, "And after this, I hope there will be no more disturbances during your therapy. You can only meet again after you are declared clean and fully healed."

Ignoring her son's protests, Hyun Bin's mother stood up and prepared to leave.

This moment she considered herself as taking a step backward to prepare for two steps forward. Because after all, she will do anything to prevent the daughter of the woman she hates from becoming her daughter-in-law.


"Appa hope you're not angry because appa immediately agreed to Hyun Bin's mother's terms earlier..." Ye Jin's stepfather started the conversation at home.

All of them, including Gong Yoo and his mother, were having dinner together after visiting Hyun Bin. They can't wait to hear the results of the meeting with Hyun Bin's mother who was always known to be stiff and scary.

Ye Jin shook her head with a smile, "Along the way home, Ye Jin pondered all the requirements, appa. Ye Jin knew Hyun Bin oppa's mother put all those conditions in order to protect her child's future."

"Haiiissshhh but telling you to wait until you give birth before getting married...?"  Gong Yoo's mother chimed in, "People will start gossiping later..."

Gong Yoo chewed his food slowly before commenting, "I still can't trust Hyun Bin's sincerity. It's been too long since I've seen his hatred towards Ye Jin and auntie."  he said as he nodded towards Ye Jin's mother.

"Aigoooo...! This kid just won't stop provocating...!" Gong Yoo's mother hit her son's head hard, "Eomma had enough of dealing with your attitude. The neighbors started talking when they saw you buying a pregnancy test! I had to say you bought it on eomma's orders! Now eomma is being laughed at because I am too old to get pregnant."

Gong Yoo grimaced rubbing his head, "Anyway, if Hyun Bin doesn't want to take responsibility soon, I'll take his place!" he said while glaring at Ye Jin.

Ye Jin smiled wryly, at a loss as to how to respond to her step cousin's 'proposal'.

"Stop it already... Uncle is sure Hyun Bin will be responsible, basically he's a good kid, it's just that he still has to sort out his problems first before getting married."

"Hyun Bin's mother must have a hard time accepting the fact that we will be in laws later..." Ye Jin's mother commented, concerned.

"Never mind her, I still have a hard time imagining my stepdaughter being my daughter-in-law, and my biological son becoming my step-son-in-law" Ye Jin's stepfather pinched his temples, "Aigoooo... Gong Yoo eomma is right, people will gossip later..."

"That's why just marry Ye Jin to me!" said Gong Yoo, who again immediately responded with a blow to the head.  "Haiiissshh...! Eomma, stop hitting my head!"

"Then stop talking nonsense!"  his mother replied. "Ye Jin-ah.. Don't mind what your oppa says.. Eat a lot so your baby is healthy.." she continued as she put a few pieces of meat into Ye Jin's bowl.

Since returning from the obstetrician some time ago, Ye Jin's family has begun to accept the fact that their family members will expand. Ye Jin had always been their favorite good girl, anyway. One mistake would not erase their affection no matter how big it was.


"Feeling nauseous again...?" Gong Yoo noticed when Ye Jin suddenly looking down with her eyes closed while washing the dishes after dinner.

Ye Jin looked up and smiled at her step cousin, "A little nauseous, oppa..."

"Just sit down, let me continue washing the dishes."  Gong Yoo gently shifted Ye Jin's body with his hips.

"No need oppa, the nausea has almost gone really." Ye Jin refused to step aside and continued to wash the dirty dishes in front of her.

"So you're really going to marry him?" Gong Yoo was standing behind Ye Jin now, looking down at the back of the girl's head sadly.

Ye Jin sighed, cautiously answering for fear of hurting Gong Yoo oppa even more.  "Yes oppa..."

Gong Yoo leaned his head on Ye Jin's shoulder from behind like he often did before, "Oppa was hoping you would consider marrying oppa."  His hands were now holding her tightly.

Ye Jin held her breath, feeling awkward now that she knew Gong Yoo oppa's true feelings.

"Oppa will never hurt you and will always pay attention to your needs..." Gong Yoo whispered pleadingly, "Oppa will bring the whole world into your lap, if you let me to..."

Ye Jin choked to hear his step cousin's words, "I'm sorry oppa ..." was all she could say.

Gong Yoo was silent for a while, his body then shook with laughter, but Ye Jin felt her left shoulder wet with his tears. "All my life I thought we would always be like this.. Growing old together, and all of sudden it all vanished by the hands of my own cousin."

Gong Yoo slowly let go of his embrace, stepped back while still holding Ye Jin's shoulder from behind, feeling the closeness to the girl he loved one last time.

"After this I will try to keep my distance, to respect your relationship. Because that's definitely what I hope for if I am in Hyun Bin's position now."  he whispered tough.

Ye Jin's tears fell on their own, feeling as if she had lost an important part of her life. This seemed to be one of the prices she has to pay for her mistakes, she thought bitterly.

The tears continued to flow along with Gong Yoo's footsteps which getting further and further away. From now on Ye Jin had to get used to living without Gong Yoo oppa around anymore.

The Hallowed Heart - English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now