Part Eight

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"mama!" i shouted. There was a moment of silence, no answer. I went back to the kitchen but nobody was there.

I looked up at the window above the sink staring at the neighbors pool in their back yard. But not only did I see a pool i saw something in the reflection of the glass. It was a beam of light. I was afraid to turn around.

Wait. When Jesus came visit me he came with a big light around him. I whipped my head around so fast. "Jesus! You came back to visit me!" I ran the light. The light isn't what I thought it was.

"Averi Mae what has gotten into you?" Mama said turning off the flash light. "I was replacing the batteries in our emergency flashlight and now i'm Jesus?" mama said with a sad tone to her voice.

"no mama , I thought the light was Jesus coming. Last night he-" "Averi i already told you enough with the stories. Come with me I'm taking you to confession. You are making me say things that are offensive to the church and you know that. Now I have to go to confession as well." Mama grabbed my hand so tight that she made my hand turn red.

She told me to go straight to the car while she locked up the house. *SLAM* "Mama? why are you mad? why did you slam the car door?" I asked mama without making eye contact. "Because Averi Mae you upset mama with these stories and I've said some things that I regret saying. We are going to confession and don't you dare try to get out of it like you do every-single-time!" Mama put on her sunglasses and drove us to Church.

The Night Averi Said AmenМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя