Part One

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"Ow mama!" I looked into mama's eyes and made sure she knew I was mad at her. "Then don't wipe the Holy Water off! And quiet down we're in church. The lord doesn't like you being loud in his house." Mom said while putting more of that water on my forehead, then my chest, left shoulder and then my right shoulder.

Mama walked through the doors first she was greeted by her church friends. The ones who walk with baskets waiting for people to drop there money into it. My moms puts a 100 dollar bill in the basket every Sunday. But when I ask her for money she always says "Get a job and make your own money." I hate when she says that I'm only 10, I can't get a job yet.

Mama knelt at the benches and did the weird forehead touching thing that she does with the water. Then I follow her except I skip the kneeling and tapping part because it's weird I just don't find that necessary to go sit on the bench.

"What did I tell you about not genuflecting before coming sit down" Mama said firmly pinching my arm. "I forgot" I said letting out a deep breathe of air to make it noticeable I was upset mama pinched my arm. "Na-aw Averi Mae get up now and go genuflect either you do it or I'll do it for you." Mama said scolding me. "Fine" I said rolling my eyes. I got up through my body down to kneel at the bench. My knee made a loud noise, I side eyed mama to see if she noticed and well let's just say she did. I taped my forehead and everything else I see my mom do and came back to sit beside mama.

"You did it wrong. When you make the sign of the cross you don't just tap your forehead and your chest. You tap you forehead, chest,  left shoulder, then your right shoulder. I wish you weren't so stubborn." Mama said to me pinching my arm again. I scooted away from her. Why do they call it "making the sign of the cross" it isn't sign language I'm just tapping my upper body.

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