Part Four

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"Averi I know who everyone is. I created Adam and Eve, who began life on earth." Jesus said. "I watched your mom grow up, I've watched your grandma and grandpa, your aunts, uncles, friends, cousins you name it!" Jesus continued. "So you know everyone? Everything about everyone? Even their dirtiest secrets?" I asked.

"I know everything. Even dirty secrets but that's why people go to confession to confess there dirty secrets and sins and I forgive them and never tell a soul," said Jesus. "Wait how many people do you visit and talk to?" I asked

"So far in person just you, but I stay invisible all the time. In confession it isn't me who speaks, it's the priest, I'm their listening and forgiving your sins. The priest does that through me."

Jesus said smiling. "But most of all I came here because I've been keeping a close eye on you Averi. I notice you don't understand or believe in the church practices or your faith. I'm here to show you and help you better understand your faith Averi," said Jesus. I was speechless. Mama was right, Jesus is real! Jesus raised his other hand in the air... a large bright white opening in my room appeared and he walked close to the light. "Don't be afraid, I want to show you something," said Jesus guiding me into the light with him. "I'm afraid." I said to Jesus pulling back.

Jesus looked down at me smiled and said "You don't have to do this. You have a choice. Believe or not to believe but just know I came here for you. To help and guide you to better understand your faith. To show you how to follow a faithful life. The catholic life as you were baptized to be., Jesus said.

I took a deep breath, tightened my grip on Jesus's hand and said "I want to understand." As I finished my sentence I then took the first step into the light, Jesus following behind. "I'm proud of you Averi." said Jesus

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