Saturdays are for the gays

Start from the beginning

Amity's blood started to boil a bit. She felt. Jealous? Like when luz showed up with Jessica. Why was she jealous though. It's not like she liked her or anything. Did she?. Amity watched the two, like a hawk.

The girl would laugh at something Luz said, and amity's jealousy would grow. Amity had enough. She walked over and tapped on Luz's shoulder. "There you are Blight", Luz said. "I was just looking for you". "I bet you were", amity said sarcastically. The other girl read the room and told them that she was gonna get back to work. "You good blight?", Luz asked. "I was just asking her about something that I'm going to show you".

Amity took a slight interest. "Then show me", amity said. Luz excitedly dragged amity to a private playing room. Amity was a bit nervous to step in. She saw two chairs sitting across from each other and an acoustic guitar against the wall. "What's this?", Amity asked stepping in and taking a seat. "This my friend, is how you will learn to connect with the music", Luz said stepping in and shutting the door.

"And why would I need to do that?", amity asked. "Well blight, feeling the music while you're skating helps you be more loose and free with yourself", Luz started. "You'll do moves you never knew you could do if you just let the music take over". Amity thought this was stupid.

Could she really get better from listening to music or singing or whatever. "Oh and blight, you'll be able to connect to me better so we'll be in sync", Luz said tuning the guitar. Amity still wasn't convinced. "Ok this is the plan, I'll sing to you, and play for you. If you don't like it then fine, we'll stick to the basics and skate to the original track", Luz started. "But if you do like it, which you will".

Amity scoffed at those words. "Then I'll write the song for us to perform while we dance or skate or whatever we gotta do". "I'm sorry, you will write the song?", amity asked. Luz nodded her head. "Yeah ok that was a good one", amity said laughing.

Luz looked at her with a look asking if she was done. Amity caught on to her look and stopped laughing, wiping away imaginary tears. "Look, here's a song I wrote 2 years ago for fun I guess", Luz said. "I hope you like it".

Luz began to pluck a tune

"I love you too much, to live without you loving me back" " I love you too much, heavens my witness and this is a fact"

"I know I belong, when I sing this song"

"There's love above love and it's ours 'cause I love you too much"

"I live for your touch"

"I whisper your name night after night"

"I love you too much"

"There's only feeling and I know is right"

"I know I belong, when I sing this song" "Theres love above love and it's ours 'cause I love you too much"

'Close your eyes', Luz mouthed. Amity did as she was told.

"Heaven knows your name, I've been praying" "to have you come here by my side"

"Without you a part of me is missing" "just to make you my own I will fight"

The sound of Luz's voice made amity feel something. She listened as Luz began to pluck some more. She started to miss her voice.

"I know I belong, when I sing this song" "there's love above love and it's ours 'cause I love you too much"

Amity opened her eyes and her and Luz made eye contact.

"I love you too much" "I love you too much" "heavens my witness and this is a fact"

"You live in my soul"

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