Eren was silent for a moment not giving an answer to Erwin. Erwin started to whisper something in Eren’s ear, as it made Eren perked up and snapped. “No…”

I questioned what was going on between him and Eren. “What did you whisper within his ear?”

He stood up straight and gave out his significant smile as always, “Nothing precisely, just a heads up.”

I brought myself to go towards Eren. I finally get to see him in person for who knows how long? It felt like a year. “Eren, it’s me Levi please listen to me.”

His eyes widened and gave a step back; nodding his head side to side, “You’re not Levi at all. Levi is standing right next to me.”

This makes me want to pathetically laugh at his answer, “Eren, why don’t you open your eyes up and actually look who’s next to you.”

“It's Levi why do you want me to repeat myself… Are you trying to pull a trick from your sleeves?” He quickly responded.

I stopped my tracks and was five inches from him. “I hate you so much.” That message was for Erwin. Erwin just gave out slight laugh that sounded like a girl’s giggle. Giggling makes me sick this whole situation makes me sick.

“I know you do.” Erwin laughed, “I know.”

“I really hate you so much!” I yelled out enough to make Eren startled and scared that he hid behind Erwin’s body.

“That’s a nice roar you have there. Keep on going you might even scare your precious one away.” That ticked me so much that my lips began to bleed from me biting on it, hard. “Oh, wait he’s already scared that he hid behind me.”

For fuck sake how in the world did it end up like this? I had my hand turned into a fist and charged towards to Erwin’s face hitting him making him stumble upon the wall, as Eren was standing there in shock. “I fucking hate you so much.” I spat out.

I lifted his collar and gave another fist right at his stupid face. It caused Erwin to laugh at the hit I gave him, “Go ahead and keep laughing this is how much I hate you.” I brawl another fist to his face. There I left him with a bruised face and a swollen cut. I was inhaling and exhaling trying to catch my breath, as I lifted my fist to bring another one directly to his face.

In results, I was stopped by Eren’s hand. “Stop, please don’t hurt him.” I looked at Eren and his facial emotion was mixed with worries and fear. I clenched my teeth so hard and let go of Erwin’s collar. Eren brought his hands off of me, as I stepped back. Why do I always have to obey Eren’s emotion? It makes me insane. You make me insane.

The door banged open allowing one person to step in and I was surprised on who came in; the taxi driver. I gave a slight smirk allowing myself to think that this is all a dream. “A special delivery to the guy lying on the floor; beaten up.” Erwin stood up slowly groaning in pain, as he took the small box from the taxi driver.

He opened the cover of the small box and dropped it due to realization. I raised an eyebrow and looked at the small box only to find several of pictures of the whole kidnap scene. My eyes widened as I looked back to the taxi driver. The driver made a smile at me and allowed himself to let out a snap from his fingers. Several polices came barging in to get Erwin in their trap.

A loud grunt came from him, as one of the police had cuffed both of his hands. The police have tugged him to get him out of the house. He tugged at them to stop for a bit, “This isn’t over yet.”

Eren was crying out for him, as he brought himself to try to chase him. I stepped right in front of him and yanked him. “He isn’t who you think he is, Eren.”

Focus - Book 1[Riren] Where stories live. Discover now