Chapter 35 : The Truth

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Arabella POV
" did you hear that she called me Mrs Christiano " I smiled widely at him making him chuckle

" one day baby everyone's gonna be calling you that " he smirked giving me butterflies

I smiled widely until the stupid waitress came back with her fake extensions and fake ass boobs

at least my boobs are real

" here is your lasagnas can I get you any drinks "
She asked placing out plates down

" we'll have a bottle of your finest wine " he spoke not looking at her just me

" is that all " she spoke sweetly her high pitched voice sounding like a screeching cat he gave a nod directing her to go away

"I have questions " I said cautiously making him look at me questionably

" baby can it wait till we go home " he said and I gave him a nod

" thank you my love I promise to answer all your questions when we go home " he kissed my knuckles as we continued eating

" what was your question " I asked cautiously as I took a bite of the food

" there is an event coming up that I would like to take you to " he said nervously making me smile

" no need to be all nervous Nicky what's the event " I giggled making him roll he's eyes

" it's a ball amore you'd have to wear a gown and get done up " he said trying to convince me making me laugh knowing I hate getting done up

" Nicky I would gladly be your date to the ball but why can't I roll up in on of your hoodies and boxers " I pouted making him chuckle

" baby I love when you wear my clothes but this event is a big thing and I want everyone knowing your my Queen you'll have to learn how to dance and there's a lot of preparations to be made and a lot of people to meet it's just a lot my love " he spoke softly almost anxious

" is there a certain colour you'd like me to wear " I asked trying to take he's mind off it

" blue to match my tie but whatever your comfortable in my love " he said kissing my knuckles softly making me smile

" your wine " the high pitch voice interrupts making me roll my eyes he kissed my knuckles again sensing my annoyance along with his

" before you ask is that all the answer is yes " I said seriously making Dom stifle a laugh

" excuse me " she growled glaring at me

" did I stutter " I growled back

" I'd watch your tone with me " she snapped making me laugh

" what's funny " she growled

" if only you knew " I smirked making her growl

" if you value your life I'd watch your tone with my girl " Dom growled making me smirk as she cowered back to her post

" baby I know I've probably ruined dinner so how about we just go home and have a nice shower and then our talk " I said looking down

" anything my girl wants and you didn't ruin dinner my love that women did let's go " he said throwing money on the table before we stood up and made our way out to the limo

We got in and made our way home it was after 5 so we'd be home for 6 the car drive was filled with random chat and comment as we drove back

" I can't wait to get out of these shoes " I groaned making him chuckle

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