Chapter 22 : Welcome to Italy

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Arabella POV
I slept like a baby like usual when I had Dominic by my side

I woke up before him and he was out like a light so I kissed he's cheek and left to check on the boys

" hey Bella " Hunter said giving me a smile 

" hey guys what's up " I said sitting in the lounge area

It was weird you wouldn't think it's a plane from the interior

" nothing much catching up on a couple things back home have you ever been " Hunter asks typing on he's phone

" no it's my first time on a plane actually " I giggle looking out the window

" wow really usually people are scared of heights " Leo said sending me a small smile

" well I'm not scared so easily " I say grabbing a cookie from the table

" what are you scared of Bella " Kai asked questionably

" well it wouldn't be smart for people to know my weaknesses now would it " I said quirking a brow
making all the boys smile

" your a lot smarter then you seem Bella no offence " Hunter says taking a cookie also

" ya well I prefer to blend it no one would expect a wolf in sheep skin " I said smiling to myself

" can I ask you something " Kai said quirking a brow at me

" shoot " I said smiling at him

" why do you call the twins your little wolves " he said smiling at me

" I've always loved wolves there powerful, tactical and smart, alone they symbolise strength and independence but when they come together they become stronger they don't have to be of the same blood to be family and family is power you know it sounds stupid I don't know I guess I've always called them my little wolves " I laugh to myself looking up to meet the boys gazes

I can't tell weather there in awe or shock

" why are you all staring at me like that " I said giggling even tho I'm gone awkward

" it's not bad Bella it's just you have a way with words " Hunter said smiling at me

" ya sorry kinda went on a rant there " I sigh sitting up and pulling up my sleeves as I go to make tea

" hey do any of you want tea " I say turning to face them

" since when do you have a tattoo " Leo said stepping closer to examine my wrist the quote always and forever with an infinity sign under it

" I have a few actually " I mumble pouring myself tea

" where " Kai asks curiosity getting the better of him

" well other then this one I've a wolf on my hip and another quote going down my spine " I said looking at them

" I'll have tea Bella by the way thanks " Hunter said smiling at me sheepishly while I pulled out another cup along with before filling it

" now any more questions " I said sitting myself back in my spot by the window

" ammm does Dominic snore " Kai asks making me snigger when Dominic strolls in with his hair messy wiping his eyes

" no I don't " he barked at kai before sitting next to me laying he's head on my lap

" hey " I say shyly playing with he's curls

" hey baby girl " he said bring he's hand up behind my neck bring me down to kiss him

" ewwy mama do you always have to kiss Dom " Levi said coming in rubbing he's eyes

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