Chaoter 26: Beach Day

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Arabellas POV
After I got into some black leggings with a matching crop top I changed Lexi into the same outfit as me

While I put Levi with a black tracksuit pants and black T-shirt

We all looked like we were gonna rob a bank making me laugh as we walked downstairs we met Dom and a few others out the back

" uncle Hunty can I have my axe now " Levi shouted as we walked over

" here buddy and I got you a present Lex come here " he said crouching down to his height and pulling out a pink sparkly blade making Lexi squeal with joy

" hey Nicky where's Liv I haven't seen her " I ask curiously

" she's probably up in her room I'll go get her " he said going for the door

" no it's okay I got it " I said earning a smile from him as I made my way inside

I went up to the room across from the twins and knocked earning a soft come in

" Bella what are you doing in my room " she asks quietly

" I came to check on you I didn't see you this morning and the twins are out playing if you wanna join us " I said making my way over to her couch

" I don't know " she said looking down at her book 

" do you like to read " I ask as she looks up at me with a twinkle in her eye

" yes I love to read or when people tell me stories " she smiles up at me

" I'll tell you what tonight when I'm reading the twins a bedtime story you can come in and join us and if you ever want me to read to you I will because I love to read too " I tell her making her smile widely at me and jump into my arms

" thank you Bella " she giggles as she hugs me

" don't thank me princess now come on let's go have some fun okay " I said putting her down as she took my hand in hers

" okay " she smiled as we made our way outside

" DOMMM " she squealed letting go of my hand and running over to him

" hey princess I missed you this morning not hungry " he asked questionably

" no I was reading my book " she said smiling at him then looking back at me

" hey amore " he said as I walked over

" hey " I smiled kissing he's cheek

" Dom I wanna go to Bella " Liv said reaching out for me which I gladly took her as she wrapped her hands around my neck and legs around my waist

" how about we go play with the twins " I whisper in her ear making her smile as I put her down she runs over to the twins who are chasing Hunter and Leo

" I think she likes you " Dom whispered wrapping he's hands around my waist

" mmmh I hope so now come on you've to teach me how to throw knives " I said shooting him a smile earning a smirk back

" never thought I'd hear you say that amore but it sounds sexy when you do " he said making my cheeks heat up

We spent the next hour throwing knives and I caught on pretty quick making me very happy

" you catch on quick baby " I heard a voice from behind me

" I'm a fast learner I guess " I smirk as he gets closer

" mmm do you wanna go for a walk on the beach with the kids later " he said pulling me in by the waist

" sounds perfect " I said planting a kiss on he's lips

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