10k Special: Sick Day

En başından başla

Adventurer 3: "Well who wins now?!"

Adventurer 4: "Is it a draw?"

Adventurer 5: "If it's a draw, then whose side wins the money?"

Adventurer 6: "We could play rock-paper-scissors for it."

Adventurer 7: "We're not deciding on a small fortune over a game of rock-paper-scissors."

Adventurer 8: "I guess we just get the money back then."

Keith and Dust reluctantly started to hand people back what they'd used to bet.

Adventurer 9: "Hey, I'm missing one grand!"

Dust: "I'm sorry, but all transactions are final."

Adventurer 10: "What do you mean transactions?! All I did was give you my money! It's a draw, so give me all my money back!"

Keith and Dust slowly started to back away, eris in hand.

Adventurer 11: "Hey, they're scamming us out of our eris!"

Adventurer 12: "Don't let em get away!"

Keith: "That's our cue to leave!"

Keith and Dust were chased out of the guild by anyone who had placed a bet.


(Y/N) was awoken by someone lightly shaking his shoulder.

(Y/N): "What...happened?"

Luna: "You and Aqua both passed out. Aqua went home already, but you've been sleeping here for quite a while."

(Y/N): "...Well who won?"

Luna: "Miraculously, neither of you. It was a draw."

(Y/N): "Ah, ok...I'm gonna rest my eyes a little more then."

He rested his head back on the bar. Luna shook him again.

Luna: "I really am sorry for this, but we have to ask you to leave. It's closing time."

(Y/N): "Alright...I'll be on my way then."

Luna: "Have a safe trip home."

(Y/N) slowly stood up and stumbled his way out of the guild. It was clearly night by now, and late at that. Almost all the shops were closed, barely any light on the streets. (Y/N) slowly kept on his way, trying to feel his way through the darkness of the path that he thought led to home.

(Y/N): "Oh wait...Farsight."

He activated Farsight, giving himself much better vision. With a little more confidence, he started to move a little faster. Unfortunately, he didn't see the massive puddle he was about to step in. When he did, the mud under him made him slip. He fell backwards, down into the cold water.

(Y/N): "Mmmm...Bath."

He proceeded to fall asleep, face up in a puddle of freezing water.


Darkness: "M-Megumin, calm down!"

Megumin: "How can I?! (Y/N) didn't come home last night!"

Kazuma: "To be fair, neither did Aqua. As long as they're together, they should be alright."

Darkness: "Kazuma, those two likely blacked out last night. Together, they'd probably get into more trouble."

Kazuma: "You're not helping the situation!"

A Wonderful Adventure For This Metalhead (KonoSuba x Male Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin