Princess Of The Six Flowers: Chapter 6 and Epilogue

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The entire capital was in upheaval after the heist on the castle last night. Rumors and legends about the silver haired man and his two masked accomplices spread through the city like wildfire. But as for now...

Chris: "D-D-Darkness, calm down! There's a good reason for this, please let us explain!"

The three were lured to a room in an inn, and there the Iron Claw found it's next victims.

Kazuma: "Listen to me! Once you hear why, you'll realize that this was for a good cause! But I won't be able to explain if you use any more strength than this, my skull is going to explode as it is!"


Chris: "(Y/N), please be quiet!"

Darkness dropped (Y/N) to the floor before grabbing Chris next.

Darkness: "I'll listen to your explanation, then I'll decide on whether to strangle you three to death! And don't even think about running, (Y/N), I will catch you!"

(Y/N): "Wouldn't dream of it Lalatina."

Darkness fought back the urge to crack (Y/N)'s skull like an egg. She then put Kazuma and Chris on the ground, hands still gripped tightly on their temples.

Chris: "D-Darkness, I can't tell you like this!"

Kazuma: "We were convinced by Chris! We called her Big Boss for a reason!"

Chris: "How can you lie so easily?! Ow ow ow! L-L-listen to me Darkness, these two were really eager to do this! I wanted to withdraw when things got hectic, but these two dragged me into more trouble!"

Kazuma: "We only joined the thieving group for a single day! We're just minions without any semblance of a status!"

Chris: "What status?! It's the three of us, what kind of hierarchy could there be?!"

Kazuma: "We wouldn't have been caught had (Y/N) not outed us in the first place!"

Darkness: "I already knew it was you, you idiot!"

(Y/N): "Yeah, all I did was recruit Darkness as a helper! If anything, I should be getting off free!"

Darkness: "(Y/N), shut your mouth or you will disappear, and it will look like an accident!"

(Y/N) did just that. He felt it was appropriate to join his partners in crime kneeling on the floor. The only difference was that he didn't have the Iron Claw wrapped around his head.

Darkness: "Spit it out."

(Y/N): 'Don't make the reference, your skull is more important than a joke!'

After (Y/N) somehow kept the reference inside his head, the three explained the entire thing to Darkness. She sighed deeply and looked down at the three.

Darkness: "You three really...Why didn't you tell me? If you'd have been upfront about it, I could've helped. There really was no reason to do something so foolish..."

Kazuma: "Look, that divine relic can swap bodies. Used in the right way, it can even grant immortality. I wanted to let the big wigs know, but Chris said that the more authority someone had, the more they'd luster for power. Even royalty could abuse it."

Chris: "N-now hold on! I thought it'd be fine to tell Darkness, but you stopped me! You said that she's a noble, and if my identity was revealed it would cause her a lot of trouble!"

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