Registration, Introductions, And Amphibian Problems

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(Y/N) had no trouble finding the guild. It was massive, after all. Upon walking into the building, he's greeted by the sight of a tough looking man. He had no shirt, but had what looked like a  football player's shoulder pads. His pants were being held up by suspenders that were hooked onto his shoulder pads. He had a dark red mohawk, and a short, scruffy beard that matched in color. The man looked over at (Y/N) as he walked in. He made his way over to the newcomer, made a rough face, and looked him straight in the eye.

Mohawk: "I've never seen you around here before. What're you doing here kid?"

(Y/N): 'Don't be intimidated, (Y/N). Just think about all the bigger and scarier guys that could've killed you in the pit. In the end they were nice guys and helped you up when you fell. This guy won't be any different. Now puff out your chest and tell him you mean business!'

After his inner pep talk, (Y/N) stood a little taller, and proudly stated his reason for being here.

(Y/N): "I'm here to play some kickass metal and kill the Devil King!"

The rough man's face quickly changed expressions to a happy one. He wrapped his arm around (Y/N)'s shoulders and let out thunderous belly laugh.

Mohawk: "That's what I like to hear! I don't know what the metal you're talking about is, but we share a common goal in kicking that Devil King to kingdom come! Welcome to the gates of hell, boy! But before you go on, you're going to want to register as an adventurer. Just walk up to that blonde lady over there behind the counter, and tell her the same thing you told me!"

(Y/N): "Thanks for the help man!"

(Y/N) then followed the Mohawked  man's directions and walked over to the receptionist. She had curly blonde hair that was tied up in the back, and loose in the front. She wore a shirt the defied all laws of physics. It was like a regular shirt, but with no shoulders. It looked ready to fall at any moment, especially with how well endowed she was.

Receptionist: "Hello, I'm Luna. I overheard your conversation over there. So you want to register as an adventurer?"

(Y/N): "That's right. I'm gonna enjoy kicking ass for my full time job."

Luna: "Then if you pay the registration fee, we can get started immediately."

(Y/N): 'Wait, registration fee? Why didn't I think about this? Don't panic just ask the price' "How much would that fee be?"

Luna: "1,000 eris."

(Y/N) 'Shit, this is not good! I don't know what the fuck an eris is!' "Could you excuse me one moment?"

(Y/N) walked a few feet to the side of the counter, and then started frantically searching every pocket he had. The search in the pockets of his jeans bore no fruit, so he quickly moved his search to his battle jacket. He found nothing in the outside pockets, so he looked in his inside ones next. His panicked search came to a screeching halt as he felt a small pouch in the lower left pocket. He pulled it out and saw a small leather pouch with gold drawstrings. He opened it and was met with the sight of a multitude a small gold coins. On top of them all was a piece of paper folded several times over. He pulled it out of the pouch and unfolded it. It read:

'A little something for you to start your adventure. There's 30,000 eris in all here.

(Y/N) silently thanked Eris and made his way back to Luna. He still wasn't sure how exactly currency in this world worked, so he just handed the pouch of eris to Luna, and hoped that she wouldn't rob him blind. He watched her take a small amount of coins out of the pouch before handing it back to him.

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