Chapter 8

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Hi sorry for not updating :( and this chapter is small and rubbish so yeah :( but its the best I can do :) so I hope you like it :)

Song: Love Drunk by Little Mix

Pic: Harry Asleep!! ASDFGHJKL!!






Lisa's Pov

I am in the hotel room on my own, which is kinda depressing since I'm here with two other people and they've both ditched me for boys well they are One Direction, so I suppose I could forgive them. I know Ghadeer is with Harry and Niall is looking after Birgit. I really don't know how I feel about Liam. I mean he is one of the kindest people I have ever ever met but when I'm with him I feel bad.. on Tom. I keep thinking about what happened before we left. The kiss well the almost kiss. Coming on this trip has made me realise I backed away because I didn't want ruin our friendship not because I didn't like him in that way because now I know that I do.






Ghadeer's Pov

I wake up in Harry's double bed, he must have carried me up here. He is awake before me and when I begin to open my eyes i see him smiling at me

"Mornin' Gorgeous" He whispers

"Wow" I reply

"Sleep well?"

"gjdbsitiehiefdns" I try to form words together but it just doesn't work. My phone begins to ring.

"Hello" I answer


"oh, hi Tom"

"YOU KISSED HARRY STYLES" He repeats so loudly that Harry hears.

"Yeah, umm kinda, how do you know?"


"Yeah, umm Tom, Harry's sat next me"


"I gotta go bye!"

"Bye" I hang up the phone very embaraased

"I am so sorry about that, my brothers very protective"

"It's fine I would be the same with my sister but I just want you to know that underneath all the media I am nothing like that."

"I know" I say going to kiss him delicately on the lips.

"What was that all about?" Liam bursts in from the bathroom, I scream.

"Oh it was G's brother, It looks like the paps are out!" Harry says

"What do you mean?"

"My brother knows what happened last night." I expalin

"What did happen last night?" Liam asked

"That is between us two" Harry Laughs.

"Um I'm gonna go back to my room and get dressed." I say putting my shoes on

"No!! Don't go I want you to stay here"

"Don't worry! I'll be back" I say in a terminator voice then kiss him on the lips. As I am walking down to the room I hear someone call my name. It's Niall.

"Oh hey!"

"Umm, I think you should go see Birgit"

"Why?" I ask

"Do you not know what happened last night?"

"No" Niall explains to me everything which has happen last night and I go see Birgit. Niall and Zayn go out of the room to give us some privacy.

"I am really sorry about what happened last night! I didn't realise that you would come after me!" I apologise

"It's fine! You look like you had some fun with Harry last night" She smiles seeing that I'm still wearing what I was wearing yesterday.

"Yeah! We kissed!" I scream


"Seriously? Did you and Nialler, you know, do anything?"

"He made me pancakes, does that count?"

"Definitely, so you didn't kiss or anything"

"No, he's probably not that interested" She says. I raised my eyebrows

"Go for it! He is interested in you and if he rejects you, which he won't, he must be blind"







So that's chapter 8 :) Hope you liked it :) Fan, Vote and Comment :) oh thanks for 500 reads!! Have a nice day!! -Leah xxxx

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