Twenty Nine

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The first thing I could hear as soon as I walked through the door were screams

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The first thing I could hear as soon as I walked through the door were screams.

With wide eyes, I watched as Juliet screamed in agony and began thrashing in her bed-- the medic, Leila, threw herself across Juliet's body in an attempt to hold her steady.

"Ms. Tyla, hold her legs or she will hurt herself!" The medic ordered and immediately Tyla was at the foot of the bed, holding onto Juliet's legs tight while the girl continued to thrash painfully.

"What's ha-happening?" Juliet writhed before letting out another scream of pain.

I couldn't bare myself to watch and flung myself against Sebastian's body, he instantly wrapped his arms around my body and held me tight while I squeezed my eyes shut and buried my face into his chest.

Juliet's screams continued to echo through the room.

"Please! I want Eli, where is he?" She sobbed, and I peeped a look to see her looking around the room frantically. "Eli! Help me! Please!" She cried while she tried fighting against the hold of both the medic and Tyla.

My face twisted in pain just by watching the poor girl and I felt as my eyes burnt with unshed tears while Juliet cried for her mate, not aware that he was dead.

I tightened my grip on Sebastian as I held him close to me. I couldn't imagine the pain Juliet was going through.

When a wolf loses their mate, typically they are hit with a wave of emotions-- one of the strongest emotions happens to be sadness. As the mate dies, the wolf within you can feel as the bond between both of the individuals is ripped apart.

It's almost as if your heart is physically ripped in half.

And the longer the bond was, the worse the pain is.

The pain that Juliet was feeling, however, was even worst. Since Eli died while she was knocked out by wolfsbane, she didn't feel nor know when Eli had been killed-- it was only until all of the wolfsbane was drained from her system did she finally feel it. All the bottled-up emotions from his death out in one go-- I couldn't imagine how painful it is.

"Where is he?" Juliet cried out, looking back at everyone as her face contorted in pain. "Why is no one answering me?" I watched as Tyla held onto Juliet's legs firmly, however turned her head to the side and shut her eyes. I noticed fresh tears rolling down her face.

"Eli!" She screamed to the top of her lungs. "Help me!"

The more she cried out for her mate, the harder it was to stand.

Juliet's breathing got heavy as she looked around the room and her brows furrowed as she looked towards Tyla, then Sebastian and I. Frantically, she began shaking her head.

"I can't feel him," She sniffled and she slowly stopped thrashing for a moment. "Why can't I feel him?" She whimpered with labored breaths as she looked over to her friends for answers.

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