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I couldn't find Sebastian everywhere

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I couldn't find Sebastian everywhere. I looked in the bedroom, I looked in his office and I even looked in the common just in case he decided to take a break from his Alpha duties and watch some TV, however, Sebastian was nowhere to be seen.

Maybe he went for a run with his Beta-- I noticed Eli wasn't around either. I chose to believe in that suggestion before my mind wandered into any other dangerous daydreams.

I decided that I better go find Sebastian as fast as I could, all I could think about was how he was feeling this entire time while I seemed to care about was my place in this situation.

I wanted to hear his side-- I wasn't giving him any time to tell me how he felt. Listening to Tyla gush about how Sebastian cared for everyone made me want to break down in his arms and beg for forgiveness.

Damn,  this Lotus pack takeover has really taken a hit on my emotional stability. I have never felt so out of place in my entire life.

I just wanted to find Sebastian immediately.

I let out a loud sigh as I made my way outside through the backyard, going straight through the opening of the woods.

I missed the fresh air running through my hair and body, I could feel my wolf purr in delight as she breathed in the scent.

With everything going on, I hadn't taken the time to enjoy nature.

I was basically starving my wolf of anything and everything she enjoys-- nature and her mate. I was surprised that my wolf wasn't out for my own blood with the way I was treating her.

While I wanted to find Sebastian, my wolf was itching to be let out. The fresh cool air was almost intoxicating to her and the feeling was getting transferred onto me. All I wanted at this very moment was to go on a run.

Maybe it would help to clear my mind.

I could sense the wolf inside of me yipping in joy with anticipation knowing that I was moments from letting her out for a run-- I hadn't let my wolf out since Chase banished me with the Lotus pack territory.

I made my way further through the woods before beginning to strip my clothes down. I let out a satisfying sigh as I stretched my arms before beginning to shift into my wolf. I allowed my wolf to take over for a moment as I shifted, lunging myself in the air was my bones realigned themselves, hair began to grow rapidly everywhere

Soon enough, I was standing on my all fours with the wind gusting through my fur.

It didn't take long for my wolf to begin running through the woods completely carefree.

And while my wolf was running free and happy, it gave me the time to think about what Tyla was saying, as well as my long-awaited decision.

It would be a bad idea if the Lotus pack and the Crimson-Moon pack merged, both packs were too large, and merging them would just end up with both Sebastian and I in the middle of the biggest mess of our lives.

There was one thing that I knew for sure at this moment in time, and that was that I had no intention of leaving Sebastian any time soon.

He is my mate-- we were destined to be together after all. The Moon Goddess wouldn't pair us together if it wasn't supposed to happen, right?

I continued to run through the woods, and I could feel the stress coming off of me as I picked up speed.

With the speed I was going, maybe I would be able to see Sebastian.

However, before I could even think about beginning to look for Sebastian again, a familiar scent run through the air and stopped in my track-- my wolf and I were both on high alert all of a sudden.

I knew that scent, I knew that mixture from anywhere. I couldn't place exactly who it was, but I knew where they can come from. Lotus pack.

I scanned the area to realise that I was inches away from the border-- I hadn't even realised that I had run so far from the packhouse that I was almost a step or two away from exiting the territory.

I felt my heart race a little faster nothing that someone from my pack was near, and I leaned the ground further to follow the scent. As I edged closer to the territory border, my mind wandered to why exactly someone from the Lotus pack would have been in the first place.

What on earth did they want?

I stopped my track as my nose nuzzled into the grass, almost headbutting a tree in my movements. I was so engrossed that I wasn't paying attention to where I was going.

For a Luna, I happened to be very clumsy.

I chose this moment to shift back into my human form, pulling the fun away from my wolf much to her dismay however the curiosity was too alluring.

With the clothes that I was placed in my mouth while I ran, and quickly changed into my clothes once I had completely shifted back-- I could already sense my wolf whining in irritation that I cut her entertained short but I shook it off of my mind before catching the Lotus scent one more time.

My eyes drifted to the piece of paper nestled between leaves that rested on one of the many trees that rested in this forest.

I was quick the grab the piece of paper, and my eyes widened as I began to read the letter. I couldn't believe it. I could feel my face getting warm as I'm sure it turned bright red.

It was a note, threatening the Crimson-Moon pack against war if they dared protect me? I felt my blood boil as I read and re-read the letter.

My eyes trailed down to the bottom of the letter;

'Yours Truly, Alpha Chase and Luna Ashe'.

Chase and Ashe. My breathing got heavy and my anger reached boiling point.

I was content with my disgust with Chase-- but I hadn't taken a second to think about what Ashe was doing in all of this.

Ashe-- I considered her my best friend ever since we were children. Was she really part of Chase's takeover? How could both of them do this to me? And to go as far as to threaten my mate's pack if they attempted to protect me?

I could feel myself becoming overrun with rage, and I crumpled the paper tightly in my hands before thrashing the dreaded letter onto the floor.

I was not going to let them attack the Crimson-Moon pack, they won't be able to get their way with this one like they did the Lotus pack.

I will kill them if I have to.

No one fucks with me.

Sorry for the short chapter!  Watch out for the double upload (: xx

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Sorry for the short chapter!  Watch out for the double upload (: xx

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