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Tyla's words stayed with me throughout the entire day, her disdained attitude towards me as she threw her judgemental opinion my way

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Tyla's words stayed with me throughout the entire day, her disdained attitude towards me as she threw her judgemental opinion my way.

She's got some nerve.

I sauntered around Sebastian's bedroom, humming a random tune as I could hear the running of the shower while my fingers danced on top of the wooden chest of drawers.

I hadn't seen Sebastian for most of the day, he was locked away with Alpha duties he couldn't seem to get out of-- much to my disappointment.

I've come here to spend time with him, yet I've barely seen much of him and I will be going back to the Lotus Pack soon. I couldn't be away too long from my pack, I trusted Chase a hundred percent with guiding the pack but only for a certain amount of time.

They were my pack at the end of the day-- I took a blood oath to protect and serve them and I would do just that until the end.

Even though I tried to push my mind away from it, I kept finding myself dancing around the words Tyla said to me... Was she right?

Here I was believing that I was doing the best for my pack, for myself and Sebastian in order to keep the peace between the packs... Was the ultimate ending be one of us leaving our own pack, surely there was a different alternative.

Why did I think that a week was enough time to think about this all, I was barely able to think about it straight without pushing it to the back of my head in order to enjoy my time with my matron.

Seb, he hasn't failed to make me smile, however, the week is almost up and I'm nowhere near a decision as I thought I would be.

I was snapped out of my thoughts, my ears perking up as I heard the sharp close of the shower door, my eyes instantly focusing on the bathroom door.

Maybe I shouldn't be looking directly there when Sebastian walks out of the door, fresh from the shower... Or maybe I should.

I shook my head, immediately judging my own thoughts before turning my glance away from the bathroom door before Sebastian could emerge from it-- much to my inner wolf's dismay as I felt her rumble with irritation.

Eager beaver.

The last time I saw Sebastian was during my heat and just the thought of it made my face go hot red— though I wasn't too sure if I was blushing due to the sexual tension or the embarrassment.

"Amelia! I didn't know you were in here," I heard the man behind me blurt out, I could hear the stunned tone in his voice.

I sighed lightly, tilting my head to the side slightly however I continued to keep my head turned to the wall-- I could feel the wolf within stirring with the image of our mate just inches away from us, wearing god-knows-what.

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