When they looked down at their sheets, they saw 'wake up's' written on the whole sheet.

What was happening?

Now, the whole pack was seated on a table outside while Scott asked,

"Okay, so what happens to a person who has a near-death experience and come out of it seeing things?"

"And is unable to tell what's real or not?" Stiles said as he glared at his girlfriend who looked like she hadn't sleep for a while, and it was the case, just like him.

   "And is being haunted by demonic visions of dead relatives?" Allison added.

   "They're all locked up because they're insane." Isaac blurted as everyone looked at him with wide eyes.

   "Thank you Isaac for this freaking positive attitude that you have." Reese commented sarcastically while he gave her a death glare.

   Stiles nodded and questioned, "Ha. Can you at least try to be helpful, please?"

   Then Isaac explained about his poor childhood, not that it wasn't interesting but they had bigger issues for the moment.

   "Hi" A pretty girl interrupted them. They all looked at her and waited for her to say something. "Hi, sorry. I couldn't help but overhearing what you guys were talking about."

   They all shared a worried look. Did she hear it all? If she did, they were screwed up. Very screwed up.

   "And I think I actually might know what you're talking about." The girl said. "There's a Tibetian word for it." She informed but was cut off by Reese's whispered.

   "Bardo." They all looked at the Valraven but she just shrugged and returned their attention on the Asian girl.

   "Yeah, it literally means 'in-between state'. The state between life and death." She continued.

   "And what do they call you?" Lydia asked a bit too harshly.

   "Kira." Scott responded for her as they held eye-contact and smiled at each other. Everybody oddly looked at him, wondering how he knew. "She's in our history class." The werewolf simply replied.

   "So are you talking Bardo in Tibetan Buddhism or Indian?" Lydia asked, again a bit harshly.

   Kira took a seat next to Reese as she kept talking, "Either, I guess. But all the stuff you guys were just saying? All that happens in Bardo." She said slightly too enthusiastically. "There are different progressive states where you can have hallucinations." Reese looked at Stiles. "Some you see, some you hear, some you dream." Reese looked at the ground as Kira kept telling them. "And you can be visited by peacful and wrathful deities."

   "Wrathful deities? A-and... what are those?" Isaac stopped her and pointed a finger at her as he asked his question.

   "Like demons." Kira smiled like it wasn't their problem. But she didn't know so it was okay.

   "Demons." Stiles repeated and nodded once before turning his head toward the rest of the pack. "Why not?"

   "Wonderful." Reese mumbled as she ran a hand in her hair.

Without Warning  ✺  S.S Where stories live. Discover now