blood - 09

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A/N: This chapter will include a lot of triggering topics such as: b[00d, angst, and major character d3@th. Immediately click away if these topics trigger you in any way.


As the sun beames through the curtains of the inn you stayed in, a light knock came through the door and you went to immediately open the door to see the finest of all aristocratic women, Eula Lawrence.

"Ah, Eula! What brings you here today?" You inquired.

"Traveler. Did you honestly forget about our meal at Good Hunter once again? Seriously, you keep on forgetting about important occasions! C'mon, the knights have been waiting for three minutes for your arrival! You better get ready quickly." Eula orders.

You nod hastily and began switching to a more suitable outfit for public occasions such as eating with the knights.

After getting ready for a feast at Good Hunter with your beloved partner, you and Eula head out and arrive at the restaurant.

"Honorary Knight! You finally came." Jean exclaims as she slides your chair open for you to sit.

"We have already ordered the food that we want, it's just about time for you to order yours. But, before we chat and feast, what made our dear Honorary Knight late?" Kaeya asks.

"O-oh.. Well, I just happened to sleep in late. Alot happened yesterday and I had to run some errands so of course, I'd feel a bit of burnout from working for some time. Amazingly, The Acting Grandmaster could spend a whole day working and signing paperwork and sleep for only four hours. Sometimes, I do worry about Jean, herself. I feel like you should take a whole day off for today instead of just eating with us and getting right back to work!" You claim.

"Ah, you need not worry about that. I have been trying to get some rest but whenever I claim I get rest a lot in front of Lisa.. She always happens to give me a potion of.. A potion of sleepiness. Amazingly, it works! But, perhaps Lisa herself should make a potion of which could keep me awake for a long time. A whole week to be exact!" Jean proposes.

"Still, Jean. You need absolute rest. We don't want you passing out at your desk all of a sudden just like what happened a month ago!" Amber asserts.

"Alright, alright. I'll consider your words of advice, Amber." Jean reassures Amber.

"Alright, let's feast before we talk any further." Lisa asserts.

Everyone was enjoying their meal and you did too. The knights were laughing and you laughed as well. The knights would chatter about something serious, and you became serious as well. All these things you did improve your bond with the knights, and with your beloved Eula as well. You can't help but shed a tear since all these people surrounding you are helping you without them even doing a single thing. You love them, you truly do.

But what happens if you finally got reunited with your sibling and leave this place for good? Will Mondstadt be burned to pieces once you finally left? Will Eula sit there, tightly covering her wound and looking up upon the sky wishing that you came back once again?

All these questions fled into your mind until a citizen of Mondstadt got thrown into Good Hunter through the window of the restaurant. Through the window you saw the prince of chalk himself, standing idly with dark crimson eyes crying with tears of blood.

"Everyone! Immediately seek shelter! An attack is occurring, and you must move far away from the city!" Jean exclaims as she summoned her sword into her hands. The knights prepared for a battle with the blinded blood-stained alchemist, Albedo.

As the fight occurred, you can't help but sit still with tears forming in your eyes as you saw the knights being annihilated one by one. You tried to stand up but you only fell to your knees once you saw Eula, tightly covering her wound made by the deadly alchemist himself.

You ran towards Eula but then, the alchemist sets his sights upon you and stopped you just by sliding his sword upon your neck, but luckily, the alchemist didn't immediately kill you once his sword laid upon your neck.

"And here I thought you'd be the one to stop me, Outlander. And yet, your heart was just as fragile as the other residents in Mondstadt. I'm disappointed. And now, your fate will be similar to the knights, death." Albedo immediately starts sliding his sharp sword against your neck, separating the skin from skin.

But then, you summoned your sword. But it wasn't any sword, it was the sword you owned before the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles took away your sibling. You immediately punched the alchemist onto the wall with Geo and Anemo infused together, But was it enough to save Eula?

You ran towards Eula, aiding her needs. You tried healing her and luckily it worked. But as you we're healing Eula, The blood-stained alchemist summoned a sharp geo construct and stabbed you and Eula in one go. Tears were forming in your eyes and Eula's. You held Eula's hand and smiled together.

"Your smile is so precious to me, Eula." You uttered.

"You're too sweet, Traveler." Eula spoke.


Suddenly, your body shook awake from your deep slumber, and your mother was there, nudging and shaking your body awake.

"Wake up, deary. I and your father will go away for quite a while. So, make sure you and your sibling will go along well."

"I just woke up.. But, mother! Where are you and father headed?"

"We'll be going to a universe named Teyvat. It won't be long sweeties. I'll make sure we'll come back in a week or two. Make sure to keep those beds are tidy or I'll be extremely agitated as I return! Also, make sure you don't go anywhere far from home, deary. It's dangerous out there! You might even encounter loads of dangers so make sure you're safe and keep an out for any suspicious visitors!"

"We will, mom. Make sure you come back safe and sound!"

"I will, deary. Now, toodle-oo! I and your father will go now. Bye-bye!"

"Bye-bye mother and father!" You said in sync with your sibling.

"So, what do you want to do now sister?"

"Maybe... Travel? Let's travel to where mom and dad are going! What's the place called once again... Wasn't it... Tayet?"

"It's Teyvat, sister. Plus, it's dangerous out there! Mother said it. Also, we shouldn't go too far from home as well."

"Whatever! You're coming with me!"

"Wh-wh.. I did not accept any contract to go with you, Lumine!"

"Nope. I will not have it! We'll go through that portal right now."

"Let's at least prepare something!"

"Just grab your sword and food. It's that easy!"

"Oh my goodness.. Why did I have to be related to a dumb sibling like you?!"

"You're the dumb one! Now, let's go!"

"Let's go to where, dammit?!"

"Let's go to Tayet!"

"It's Teyvat."

"Shh! Now, let's both jump in the portal!"

"One... Two... Three!"

The two jumped into the portal, holding their breath. And they didn't know that they'll stumble upon a god which will make their fate a mystery forever shrouded in the darkness.

----- "blood" - 09

WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I'M FINALLY DONE WITH MY FIRST EVER STORYYY (pls forgive me if i made any of you be on the verge of tears by giving you angst)

now, your author will be signing off for a while now!
- verlxnce, signing off,,! <3

eula lawrence - the spindrift knightWhere stories live. Discover now