captured - 08

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As you slept soundly in your camp, you heard loud footsteps and mumbling of men discussing a thing that you can't exactly pinpoint what they're saying.

As you rub your eyes awake, you step out of your camp and Fatui was swarming your camps' surroundings.

"W-wh... Fatui! What are you people doing here?!" You exclaimed.

"It's him! Catch the guy and take him to the old man."

Old man? Who is the old man? You thought.

As soon as the fatui saw you and heard you speak, they immediately slapped you back asleep and they carry you to somewhere unknown.

As you we're captured away by the Fatui, The Captain of the Reconnaissance Company was left sitting idly at Good Hunters' restaurant.

"The Traveler hasn't arrived yet. I wonder what they're doing! Probably just sleeping and dozing off, absolutely forgetting about our lunch at Good Hunter!" Eula exclaimed with all sorts of negativities.

"Perhaps I should check up with them? It never hurts to make sure they're safe!" Eula states silently and courageously.

Eula walks up to your camp with thunderous strides and as soon as she saw your rummaged place, her heart dropped to the ground and she immediately started shouting your name, hopefully finding your response.

"Traveler! Traveler! Where... Where in the world are you?!" Eula cries in a tone of despair, hopefully discovering you somewhere safe. And then all of the sudden, as Eula was walking and shouting your name around, she reached saw a suspicious looking cave of which that looks like light was flickering inside, and so, Eula decided to go in there on a whim, Hopefully locating you safe and sound.

As The Captain walked steadily inside, Fatui began to swarm around Eula and immediately took her down and snapped her back asleep, just like what they did with the Traveler. As the Fatui carried Eula's body deeper and deeper into the cave, Eula finds herself locked in a cage with you, The Traveler.

"Eula?! Eula! Hey, wake up! C'mon!" You said as you tried to shake her awake, she eventually did, but she found herself spurred by the ringing sound in her ear but sooner or later, it grew away.

"Traveler? Where are we? All I remember is that I was trying to find you when I found your camp was rummaged. And... I found this cave and now I'm locked up in here! What exactly happened?" Eula asked.

"Eula... The Fatui captured us and kept us captive here. I don't know how many minutes and hours I have been here but then all of a sudden, you got thrown in here by the Fatui, just like what they did with me." You answered.

"Well, no matter what their reason for capturing us is, we have to bust out of here. Do you perhaps still have your weapon with you?" Eula inquires.

"I do... But why would they keep us captive if they let us have weapons to defend ourselves with?"

"I don't know... But all we need is to get out of here no matter what."

As you and Eula discussed, an old man came by walking and smiling.

"Hah! Finally. I have captured you two! This time I'll get end this connection with you and this... Traveler, once and for all!" The old man exclaimed.

"Wait... Uncle Schubert?! What the... Why did you keep us, hostage, here!? What in the world we're your intentions towards me and the traveler? Don't tell me you captured us just because you find us two getting too close and interested in each other!" Eula exclaims.

"Quiet you, mad maiden! You have made me extremely agitated by you hanging out and playing rookie with this... Honorary Knight of the Ordo Favonius!" Schubert exclaims.

"So... You still plan on harming Mondstadt by bringing down the Honorary Knight?! How shameful of you, uncle."

"Silence, traitor. You don't know how devastated I was when I found you partnering with our enemy! But say... I have a proposition for you." Schubert proposes.

"What is it?" Eula asks with a hint of bitterness.

"Destroy the Knight's of Favonius from the inside and come with me and the family! Once you do destroy those knights... Your reputation in the family will be renewed and your legacy of siding with us will never be forgotten. You'll be legendary in the familys' name, Eula! The will of the family will finally be completed and we'll all have a peaceful and merry time ruling over this weak Mondstadt. A new era of Mondstadt will begin under our control! We'll be feared by many and we'll always get what we want."

Eula scoffs in disbelief, hearing those words always made her feel disgusted.

"Even if you burn me to dust, I'll never destroy the Knights of Favonius under your control. I'll resist and resist until you give up yourself. Don't even think I'm letting you go that easily, Uncle." Eula states.

"Hmph! You'll regret this, Eula. You'll be brought down along the knights. Be prepared, since this'll be a great attack unseen." The man states.

Eula rubs her forehead in frustration and summons her greatsword and slashes the jail open.

"I don't want to waste my time right now, Uncle Schubert. I have plans with the Traveller and you won't get between those plans." Eula asserted as she lent you a hand and you stood up alongside her.

"If I may excuse myself, we'll go now."

"Oh, you won't go! You have to face the fatui before you exit." Schubert chuckles.

"You even plan on hurting me with your men as I try to exit? You decided to stoop that low, even I didn't expect that." Eula scoffs.

The man laughs roaringly, as he heard Eula say those words. "Once you try to get out of this cave, you'll be considered as an enemy, Eula. You'll regret this!" Schubert states.

Eula didn't even bat an eye at the man as she walks away from Schubert. You follow her silently and a sound of people walking can be heard as you and Eula slowly reach the exit of the cave.

"Prepare for combat, Traveler!" Eula said as she equipped her greatsword. You and Eula proceed cautiously, but all of a sudden, knights from the Ordo Favonius came in swarming in, screaming your name and Eula's. As soon as the knights saw you and Eula safe and sound, they brought you two out of the cave without any dangers.

"How did you guys found us here?" Eula inquired.

"Well, a search party began when one of the guards reported you and the traveler missing for almost 12 hours. It's a good thing one of the residents in Springvale reported seeing you searching for someone." The blond knight reports.

"That's great. Thank you so much for giving attention and concern to us two." You state.

The guards guided you two back to Mondstadt and you asked Eula a certain question to break through the deafening silence as you two sat on a bench.

"Eula, do you still remember my proposal about our date to the restaurant?"

"I do! Well, perhaps we should do it tomorrow. Jean and the other are probably tired of searching for us so I think they wouldn't be available for today."

"Well, it can be just the two of us. Nothing to get between our talks, just us two relaxing and chatting."

"No way! I'd like to bring the knights out for food! Plus, if you and I were sitting alone at a table, people will misunderstand and probably think we're partners! It's simply preposterous. So, I reject your offer." Eula states.

You chuckle at the flustered Eula. "Alright then."

---- end of 'captured - pt. 8'


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