Chapter 7

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"Are you saying that your child's father is that man? That Lucius Maddix?" Mitch whispered after Maddix's speech

"Yup, that's him," I answered

"Putcha! Jackpot, ah?" Mitch exclaimed

"Mitch! Tone it down, gosh! Someone might hear you," I warned her. She cupped her mouth to keep her mouth shut, and we waited until the ceremony is over.

"Congrats, Anak!" Mommy said while hugging me, "I'm so proud of you, 'nak! Ang galing talaga ng Cum Laude ko!" She continued as she caressed my back and stroking her hand in my head. My eyes welled up as I hear her words. My hard work paid well. All of the sleepless nights, buckets of caffeine, back pains, headaches all are worth it.

Avi and daddy went to us and joined. My tears flowed like a stream when the three of them hugged me with the warmest embrace of love. I felt the lips of my father kissing the top of my head. "I love you, Anak," Daddy whispered.

"I love you too, Daddy. Thank you for supporting me, always," I said after we loosen the hug

"It's our duty as your parents to support you, Anak," Mommy said

"I know, Ma, I won't be here if it weren't for you. You're the major reason why I am here, receiving such an award," I said as I wipe my tears

My tears kept on falling, but Avi's here to wipe my tears off. She's always there, cheering for me. She's there whenever I need a shoulder to cry on. She's with me whenever I need to express my feelings, whether it's good or bad. Avi helped me throughout my college years. She's my constant. "Don't be a crybaby," she said while wiping my tears

"Hormones," I whispered to her right ear, for my parents not to hear.

"Shush," She said and kissed my cheeks, "Congrats, Ate ko,"

My tears rushed again to exit my eyes after hearing what Avi said. "Thank you, Ma, Pa, and Avi. I owe you all a lot." I said with the sweetest smile I got.

"Stop crying now, go to Mitch and Gen, Anak. I'm sure they want you to celebrate your graduation with them," Mom said, shooing me away.

"I will just go with them quickly so we could have lunch together," I waved them goodbye.

"Congrats, Mami!" Gen shouted as she saw me walking towards them

"Congrats, Tita-Ninang!" I shouted too, opening my arms to welcome her hug.

"OMG! Shut up, you too! Look! Everyone's looking at us," Mitch said with her teeth grinned.

"Oh shit," I whispered to Gen's ear.

"Sorry, I was careless," Gen said as we leave the embrace. I laughed at her embarrassed face, "It's okay, I was out of my mind too. Someday, we will be able to shout these things." I said

"Congratulations to us three. Waaah! Especially to you, Mitch! 'Nak ng putcha, Magna!" Gen exclaimed as she messed up Mitch's hair. I laughed as I witnessed Mitch's annoyed face and Gen's playful face.

"Tanginang 'yan, mag co-congratulate ka na lang, mang-gugulo ka pa ng buhok, epal," sunod-sunod na bulong ni Mitch habang inaayos n'ya ang ginulong buhok ni Gen

"Stop it, 5-year-olds," I playfully stopped them

"Stop it, Mommy," Gen mocked me

"Stop it, impure ladies," Mitch said that shocked me, and Gen

"Virgin Mary," Gen said while raising her right hand at Mitch's head and looked at me, wiggling her brows

"Pray for us," I said, continuing Gen's joke that made us bursts into laughter

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