Chapter 66

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Thara squealed as she run towards Bani and Tavleen, the three girls hugged each other tightly while Ajax and Galen hugged Aaryn.

" How did your theatre performance went ?" Thara asked smiling brightly at the flushed Tavleen who gushed about the terrific show as the group climbed into Ajax car.

" So first stop is breakfast with Mrs Katerina and Dimetria before we leave Aaryn," Ajax said to the grinning Aaryn.

" Leave...leave where?" Thara asked, tilting her head to the left.

Aaryn winked and placed his index finger on his lips. Thara pouted while Tavleen and Galen snickered. Bani chuckled softly as she drew Thara into a conversation about Pallavi and everyone back in India.

When they arrived in Mrs Katerina's doorstep, Aaryn watched amused as his wife leaped out of the car and sprint towards an elder lady as she chatted in rapid Latin. Thara grinned as she bend down slightly hugging a little girl as she mussed her hair and kiss the cherubic girl's cheeks.

Thara giggled as she eyes shine brightly, turning her face towards Aaryn. Aaryn swallowed his saliva as he watched the glowing face, lightened up as the sun rays hit her face. Her eyes was glowing with twinkle as her bright smile turned infectious. Galen smirked and nudge Aaryn's shoulders, giving him a knowing look.

Aaryn cleared his throat and ran his hand along his hair as he walked towards Thara. Thara hooked her arm lovingly with Aaryn as she introduced him to Mrs Katerina. Aaryn smiled as the woman cooed over him and gave him two air kisses before escorting the group inside.

Aaryn smirked watching his wife moaning in delight as she gobbled Mrs Katerina's baked bread and homemade marmalade. Galen and Ajax chuckled while Bani rolled her eyes and told Thara to slow down her eating habits.

" I have never seen her eat like this before," Aaryn said sipping his coffee.

" It's grandma's specialties...Thara ka loves it!" Dimetria said, squealing as she high fived with Thara.

Aaryn raised his eyebrows as he gave the girl a surprised smile.

" You call her ka ?" He asked.

Tavleen giggled and informed the man that Vajra spent quite a lot of time and effort in making sure Dimetria knows a little bit of tamil. Aaryn chuckled and shook his head fondly as he listened about the mischief his brother in law was upto during his annual trip to Greece.

" Paipulla yenge ponalum oru girlfriend vechiruku," Aaryn said under his breath.

Bani chortle while Tavleen giggled hearing the man's words. Mrs Katerina inquired about Saritha and Lakshmi to Thara who chatted a little about everyone and everything back home. The woman then told her that she would make her famous jams this time in higher quantity for Thara to take back home.

Thara and Aaryn hugged the woman and Dimetria before walking back to Ajax's car. Thara's eyes widened as they reached the ferry hub.

" Wait where exactly are we going ?" Thara asked looking at the smirking Aaryn.

" Home," the man whispered agaisnt her lips before tilting his head and kissing her squarely.

Thara's eyes widened as she gasped. Aaryn's eyes lit up as he took this opportunity to slid his tongue inside her mouth and swirl around her mouth, licking and sucking her lips. Ajax and Galen chuckled as they walked back towards the couple who was busy snogging each other.

" Looks like you guys don't have to limit to the bedroom for three day huh?" Galen smirked.

Thara blushed and swat the grinning man's arms, hiding her face on Aaryn's chest as the man chuckled and wrapped his arms around her.

The Rockstar's Daughters ~ Book 2 of His Accidental Bride (Anirudh Ravichander)Where stories live. Discover now