Chapter 37

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Thara rubbed her forehead as she watched her family's atrocities.
She shook her head exasperatedly hearing the voices fighting amongst each other.

"30 THOUSAND," Anusha said.

" 31 thousand," Nelson said calmly.

" 35 thousand," Anirudh said

"40 thousand," Anusha said while Saritha was hissing at her.

Thara rubbed her forehead as the bid between her father and Nelson along Anusha went. She looked at her mother who shook her head resigned while the other bidders looked amused.

" Inthe padatuku yenthan ippidi sanda poduranga," she muttered to herself.

She exhaled her breath resignedly when Anusha won the bid for 60 thousand. What picture you ask ? Well its a mid size picture of Anusha and Saritha in their college days against the backdrop of an University.

Thara shook her head amusedly as Anusha walked proudly towards the front and gave the check. Her eyes frowned and she glanced at Anusha who gave a tiny smile before walking away with the painting.

Thara groaned and rolled her eyes. She blushed as she got caught by Aaryn's eyes. Naveen who sat next to Arhu and Amaira frowned watching her looking at someone on the front seat.

"The picture to be auctioned is now something our painter cherished. Her first painting from Leurve Academy." The auctioneer said.

Thara's students brought out a large landscape painting. The colours were vibrant as she showcased an ancient indian festival picture. Three beautiful princess dancing on the backdrop of a ancient city with a few children playing around a small pool while Men and Woman sat around in a small circle watching the dance.

" Startimg bid 5 thousand," The auctioneer said.

" 10 thousand," Ashmaan said making Thara raise her eyebrows.

" 11 thousand," Madhav said making her blink and narrowed her eyes at him. The boy smirked and showed her the money symbol on his hand and pointed to Hrishikesh making her snort.

" 20 thousand," Surya said making her blink.

Anirudh and Nelsin chuckled as the man winked at them.

" 25 Thousand," Vaishnavi said smiling widely.

Ravi Raghavendra  chuckled. " It's worth more than that Vaish," he said and turned around, winking at his daugther.

" 35 Thousand," he said making Thara shook her head exasperatedly.

Harish and Revant whispered among themselves. Revant cleared his throat and raised his card as Harish said 36 Thousand.

Yantra looked at Mihira who nod her head. Yantra smiled and said 40 Thousand.

Thara's eyes bulged as she stared atbher sister who winked. " Paitiyam aitanga," she muttered to herself.

" 45 Thousand," A voice from the back hollered.

Anirudh smirked and looked at Sithara who shook her head, warning her father not to bid. She groaned softly as Anirudh raised his card.

" 55 Thousand," he said making her gasp.

" 55 thousand going once" the auctioneer said.

" 55 thousand going twice," he repeated.

" 55" " 1 Million," the baritone voice said calmly.

Thara chocked on her drink making her cough loudly as she hurried away patting her chest. The eyes and ears burned as her mind started to process what happened.

The Rockstar's Daughters ~ Book 2 of His Accidental Bride (Anirudh Ravichander)Where stories live. Discover now