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The royal capital is the busiest town of Lugunica. Merchants, nobles, and common folk move in and out of the place every day. But these past few days had been exceptionally active due to a certain incident, or rather, a certain chain of incidents.

A notorious murderer had started a series of murders, sending chills down the spine of the citizens. The killer "Hacker" had claimed three of his victim's lives. The method of murder was by hacking with an axe, hence the nickname Hacker.

Even after investigating for a whole week, the guards had got no clues in particular.

Although this case was hair-raising, it was supposed to be handled by the guards and the department of criminal investigation but-

"I heard that the third murder happened yesterday....and the victim this time is the son of Baron Clemendis?"

The blonde, blue-eyed knight nodded at this and answered.

"Yes, Julius-senpai."

The blonde knight, Helios Gerald, has been friends with Julius since the first day he was knighted and assigned under him. Julius couldn't help but look after him like he does with his younger brother Joshua. But of course, when the situation requires, he acts strict.

Putting down the report, the purple haired knight brushed his bangs and thought for a moment while pushing up his glasses that further enhanced his beauty.

"Since a nobleman is now involved, us royal knights got deployed.... hm? If I remember correctly, the Baron is a good friend of the captain. Is that why he ordered us to carry out this investigation? No wonder he sent you of all people with us."

Concluding, Julius jerked his chin towards the red haired knight standing opposite to him, making him smile wryly as he spoke-

"Captain Marcos was very restless when he personally asked me to join you in the investigation. I suppose he wanted the culprit to be apprehended with haste so that justice could be brought to the victims."

Reinhard said with a solemn expression. The blonde knight turned to him by placing his hand on his chest and bowing Slightly, he spoke in a cheerful voice-

"It is a great honor of mine to be given this opportunity to work with the sword Saint. I shall do my best to support you!"

"No need to be so formal, Helios. Let's work hard together to find the culprit so that he could be punished Appropriately."

To the overly polite knight, Reinhard gave a friendly smile to assure him. Helios raised his head with a smile.

The three knights have gathered at a meeting room of the guards' station, for the investigation of the case, upon receiving orders from the captain. They took their seats around the long table, Julius taking the head seat.

It was a simple yet elegant room. Walls painted in silver with delicate patterns. Besides the long table, there were intricately designed long vases adorned with blue flowers that are confined to growing in spring.

If one had to point out the most noticeable feature, then it had to be the twin golden dragons embroidered into a fine silk cloth of blood-red, spread across the wall behind the head seat to display the patriotism of the Royal knights.

Growing impatient after some time, Julius finally asked-

"Where are the other two? We can't start without the whole team being present."

To Julius' question, the blonde knight answered-

"They will be here shortly after they get the reports of the recent most victim."

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