Babysitting job?

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     "What the actual fuck Quincy?" The guy exclaimed. "You're giving me a babysitting job now?"
     "Um, excuse me?" I say. It takes every nerve in my body to ignore the urge to flip him off. He ignores me.
     "Its not a babysitting job, Tora. She can take care of herself. I am just asking you to keep her out of physical harms way." Quincy explains. Quincy is my dad. We aren't close though. He isn't around much. He always has to travel.
     "Quin- dad" I'm not aloud to call him Quincy to his face. "I don't need a... bodyguard. I don't really go anywhere but school" I say. "This isn't necessary."
     "I think it is. You have been in several fights and you don't go to school in the nicest area. Tora is going to stay with you."
      "He obviously doesn't want to" I scowl at him. "And I can take care of myself. I have never come home injured." There is no point in reasoning with him. He has already made up his mind.
     "This is damage prevention not damage control." He makes me feel more like an object then a human. I roll my eyes.
     "Whatever" I say quietly.
     "Well then; Tora, give Kerrie a ride home." Quincy says.
     "Oh my god!" I whisper
"What was that?" Quincy asked
"Nothing" I muttered crossing my arms.

We walk out of the office building. I follow Tora to his car. It is a beautiful blue 2019 Dodge Challenger. I gasp audibly and my hand reflexes to cover my mouth from embarrassment. He doesn't notice but I still blush. He opens the passenger side door for me. The interior is gorgeous black leather. Everything is well taken care of. I appraise it quietly.
     The ride home is like 3 hours so I put my headphones in. Most of the ride is silent.
     "Whatcha listenin to?" Tora asks like 20 minutes into the ride.
     "Maybe if you weren't such an asshole I would tell you." I glared at him
"Listen kid we got off on the wrong foot. I thought you were like 10. He didn't tell me you were old enough to take care of yourself. I'm a bodyguard not a babysitter. I just didn't understand the job requirements." He said
"It's Kerrie." I corrected him annoyed.
"Sorry, Kerrie"
"What?" He looked at me confused
"That's what I'm listening to. Serotonin by girl in red." I said
"I have an AUX" he suggested
"The plug is in the glove box. I have an adapter for the iPhone plug in the center"
"Hell yeah" I put on an random playlist. I was still mad at him for being a bitch but he was making an effort. I mostly couldn't stay mad because of the AUX though. I love music.

He had to stop by an office building for business reasons. I stayed in the car. When he got back he slammed the door and lit a cigarette.
"Pass me one" I said. He looked at me and shook his head. He grabs one outta the pack and passes it over. "Lighter please" he passes the lighter over. I cup my hand around it and light it up. I then take a long drag. Smoking makes my eyes sting for some reason. I blow it towards the window even though it's not open.
"Does Your dad know you smoke?" He asks. I shrug my shoulders and sigh.
"It doesn't really matter because I don't. I do vape though. My puff bar went missing a week ago. This is the first cigarette I've ever had. It's kinda gross." I make a face. "It kinda makes me nauseous." I put the cigarette out on my jeans. He chuckled. "Hm I've got money and you are of age. Stop at a gas station on the way home."
"Not fuckin' happenin'"
"Do you want me to like you? I'll pay you."
"No" I sigh and relight my cigarette. I smoke the whole thing.

I woke up to the door slamming. He hands me a plastic bag. In it there is a bag of chips, a water and a Vuse with 2 packs of pods.
I raise an eyebrow at him. "You seemed desperate" he said with a crooked smile.
"Thank you. I hope you got menthol."
"Yes" he rolled his eyes. I put it together and take a hit. I put it in the cup holder in the middle. He got me the black one.
"Are the chips for me?" I ask quietly.
"Yes ma'am. It's all for you." I open it up and eat. Eventually I fall back asleep.

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