you get sick in the middle of the night

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The sound of your name falling from her lips with groan after groan woke Giselle from her deep slumber.

"Giselle? Giselle, are you awake?" You asked, whimpering afterward.

"Yeah," she sighed and rubbed the sleep from her eyes before reaching over to turn on the lamp.

"What's the matter y/n? Did you have a bad dream or something?" She asked as she read the numbers on the clock.

It's after three in the morning.

You don't ever wake her up at an hour like this unless it's important and most of the time, you're either cold or have a nightmare.

She sat up with a yawn and looked over at you. The grogginess she once felt completely faded when she saw your face.

You looked miserable.

From the way you held your stomach and the whimpers slipping from your lips, as well as the beads of sweat on your forehead, told her that something was wrong.

She put her hand on your forehead and felt both surprised and saddened by how hot you felt.

"My poor girl. You're burning up." She mumbled before moving her hand to your cheek, stroking it softly.

"I feel really sick," you mumbled before closing your eyes and taking deep breaths.

"Sick like you're going to throw up?"

You nodded and she jumped out of bed.

"Let's try to get you into the bathroom," she said as she brushed her fingertips along your arm soothingly.

You shook your head. You knew there was no way you'd be able to make it there in time. It was getting too overwhelming, you were only seconds away from getting sick.

Seeing that, Giselle was quick to grab the empty garbage can and put it on your lap and just in time.

She pulled your hair back and watched you take a deep breath before you started to get sick, leaving her with a sinking feeling in her heart as she sensed how miserable you felt.

"It's okay. I'm here, y/n. You're okay." She soothed and continued to hold back your hair in one hand and rubbed your back with the other.

It was a couple of tortuous moments. Not just because vomiting isn't ever fun, but because your skin was soaked with sweat and you felt so uncomfortable and, honestly, embarrassed.

So far, in the entirety of your relationship, you haven't been this sick in front of Giselle. Little colds and allergies, sure.

But to this extent was new and overwhelming, a little embarrassing for you.

You sniffled as she pulled the trash van away and put it on the floor. Her hands fell onto your knees and she was frowning, staring at you in worry.

"Oh, baby. I know you feel awful. Being sick isn't fun. But I'm here for you." She soothed.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry." She said as she brushed her fingers in circles along your skin. "You're fine, baby. Everything is just fine."

You nodded and took in a shaky breath before groaning about how hot and sticky you felt.

"How about a shower?"

"I don't know if I can stand that long." You whined. "I'm tired."

"How about if I hold you? I'll get in with you and keep you steady so you don't lose your balance or get dizzy or too sleepy."

Her offer sounded too good to resist. You nodded and she yelled you stand up. She helped you to the bathroom, her arms wrapped around you to keep you steady.

She turned on the water, putting her hand under it to make sure it was the perfect balance between hot and cold.

She helped you out of your clothes before getting out of hers and then stepping into the shower with you.

She kept her arms around you. Her grip wasn't too tight or too loose, just enough to keep you steady without risking making you feel worse than you already felt.

"Lean right on me. I've got you. Just relax." She whispered in your ear and held you close, letting the water pour on you to help you relax and, hopefully, soothe you a little.

She pulled away a few minutes later to reach for the shampoo. She poured some into her hand and ran it through your hair, gently scratching your scalp.

You hummed a little, finding comfort in her touch.

She did the same with the conditioner and felt her heart flutter when you hummed again, making her realize that she was helping you feel better.

She washed her hair very quickly and then washed her body before she took her time washing yours.

It felt nice when you realized you no longer felt uncomfortable or sticky from sweat any longer.

You still felt sick and weak but it was nice to stop feeling so hot and gross for the first time in quite a while.

You closed your eyes and leaned against Giselle, feeling her heartbeat against your chest as you stood under the water and relaxed.

But the water soon turned cold and Giselle wanted to get you out of it and into bed, under the warm blankets.

"C'mon, sweet girl. Let's go to bed." She said before helping you step out of the water.

She wrapped the towel around you and walked you into the bedroom.

Having you sit at the foot of the bed, she got changed into her pajamas before she grabbed some pajama bottoms and one of your favorite sweaters of hers then returned to your side.

She pulled the sweater over your head after pulling in your pajama pants.

She kissed your temple softly, letting her lips linger on your warm skin until you began to shiver a few seconds later.

"Okay, baby. Let's get you under the blankets." She said and laid you down before pulling the cozy blankets up to your shoulders.

She tucked you in, making sure you were as cozy as you could possibly be before she laid down with you.

She brushed her hand along your warm cheek and watched your eyes close.

"Feel okay?"

"I'm so tired. My body aches. I feel sick still."

"You're probably coming down with the flu." She mumbled sadly. "But don't you worry, baby girl. I am right here to take care of you. If you feel like you're going to throw up or you need anything, wake me up so I can help."

You nodded and even cracked a tiny smile when she kissed your cheek.

"Go to sleep, baby. You're okay. I'm right here."

You fell asleep a few minutes later with her stroking your cheek and quietly singing in your ear, the lyrics of your favorite song falling from her lips.

"I love you, baby. I hope you feel better soon." She said as she kissed your cheek once more before she laid her head on the pillow and closed her eyes.

But she was ready to open them any minute if you needed her for anything at all.

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