Chapter 11

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I woke up the next morning, covering my eyes as the sun streamed in through the window. Last night's fight with Aaron came rushing back at me. What if we were done? What if I was too mouthy for him last night?

It was totally a Monday morning. I brushed my teeth and went to go find some breakfast in the kitchen. There was still some sourdough bread on the counter, so I got a slice and buttered it to eat. I chewed mechanically, since I wasn't really hungry. It was quiet in the house because my parents were at work, and since it was still June, my brother was still in class at his high school. Maybe I should find a part time job again.

I thought about calling my friends when I heard a text message on my phone. I took a look at my phone screen. It was Amelia to me and Nicole.

Kevin asked me out last night! We're going out on an official date tomorrow!

I smiled. I'm glad that Kevin asked her, they would make a good couple.

Amelia texted again. OMG, what should I wear? We're going out for dinner, but he didn't say where.

I texted back. Yay! Just ask him where you're going.

Something low cut, Nicole suggested.

I rolled my eyes but with a smile. I checked to see if Aaron had called or messaged me, but he hadn't. Should I call him? Did I want us to be done? Maybe I should suggest he not hang out with Jenn. Maybe I should go out with him more often when he's with his friends. I had no desire to go to a sports bar on fight night, but maybe if I was there, Jenn wouldn't have made a move on him.

After eating and making myself a coffee, I went to the backyard to check on the garden and to see if any of the potted plants needed more water. I busied myself with watering and pulled out some annoying weeds. Maybe I should ask my aunt if I could pick up a few more shifts during the weekdays for the duration of summer. Or maybe I should go volunteer somewhere.

I went back inside, washed my hands and changed into a new outfit since I'd gotten dirty outside. I headed back to the kitchen to hear my phone pinging. Figuring it was just Nicole and Amelia still messaging about potential dinner clothes, I cleaned the dishes first and then went to check my messages.

It was Aaron. It looked like he had called a few times and sent a bunch of texts. He said he was sorry. He said he loved me. He said he would never hurt me. He said he was coming over. He asked where I was if I wasn't answering.

There was a knock on the door. Aaron? I looked out the window and it was him. I opened the door, not sure what I was going to say to him.

"Sabrina," he said. "I'm sorry babe," Aaron said, coming in and giving me a hug and a kiss on the forehead.

"Where were you? I called and texted the last hour and you didn't answer," he said. "Were you out? Where did you go?"

"I've been home, just out in the garden," I replied.

"I wanted to come over in person to say I'm sorry. Do you want to come out for lunch? I'm meeting the guys," Aaron said.

"No, that's okay," I said, not having the energy to wonder and worry if the guys really meant the guys, or if girls were going to tag along. Maybe instead of going out with the guys, he should offer to have lunch with just me.

Aaron took my hand. "Are we cool Sab?"

I gave him a small smile. "Sure. I'll see you later," I said. "Just the guys?"

Aaron looked me in the eyes. "Just the guys. That's what I've been told."

I hoped so. And I think Aaron meant what he'd said, that it was just the guys. But like a crazy girlfriend, I couldn't help but scour social media to see what if I could find anything. It was like I knew there would be something to see.

I found it on Jenn's account of course. The first picture was a group shot of all guys except for Jenn. The next one was a picture of Jenn, seated at the table and wearing another skimpy top, and my boyfriend's arm draped casually around her. It was like a big middle finger waving in my face. If nothing has happened between them, something would be happening soon. That girl had her claws in my boyfriend, and he wasn't exactly fighting her off.

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