Chapter 8

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About a month past and ( Y/n ) had already gained everyone's trust, making them think she was their friend.

It was the end of the day and everyone was leaving. As ( Y/n ) was hopping across the buildings when she felt a buzz in her pocket. Her phone was ringing. Who's calling me? She asked herself. She checked and the name read "Father Giri ❤️" Oh it's Giri! She answered and sat on the building.

"Hey Giri! Something wrong?" She asked dangling her legs at the edge of the building.

"Just checking in on you. Did you find anything?"

"Nope, the storage rooms seemed too plain to keep information that important. But, I was thinking that it's most likely being kept in the principal's office." She leaned back, holding herself up with her free hand.

"My thoughts exactly."

"So, how're we gonna be able to get it? I mean we're talking about UA. It'll be pretty much impossible wouldn't it?"

"Yes, but I've got an idea, it may work. I've found another villain that has a sort of invisibility quirk. Come back home and I'll tell you more when you arrive." Said Giri.

"Okay gotcha." ( Y/n ) hung up and continued hopping back to the bar.


-1st person ( Y/n )-

Arriving back home, I was super excited to hear what Giri had in mind for the mission. I got in to see that another man was standing in front of him. They seemed to be talking about UA. That must be the guy Giri was talking about. I put down my bag at the door and slipped off my shoes.

"Hello!" I said walking towards them.

"Ah you must be ( Y/n ), pleased to meet you. I'm Yano Kyo." He shook my hand and smiled.

"Nice to meet you. Are you the guy who's helping with the infiltration thing?"

"Yup that's me!" Huh, he's pretty friendly.

"Why don't we have a seat." Kurogiri said gesturing towards the stools. We all sat down and began discussing.

"So, I'll get started and explain what Yano will be doing for us." Giri said. "We've looked into your schedule for tomorrow. And since we've come to a conclusion that the files will be in the principals office, we found out he was going to be helping with a training lesson for tomorrow. Meaning he won't be in his office."

"So, what we'll do is you won't show up that day."Yano continued. "Instead when you enter the school in the morning you'll be invisible with me. I'm able to create an orb that makes anything inside it invisible. It'll basically surround us. No objects will become invisible though, only us and anything we touch."

"With your quirk you'll be able to cover up any cameras in the office." Giri added. "There's no need to worry about any keys that'll be needed, we already have exact replicas of them."

"Okay, I think I got it now." I said getting up.

"Great! I'll be heading off now, I got some other business to attend to. See you tomorrow ( Y/n )." Yano said getting up and waving out the door.



-3rd person-

It was now the next day and ( Y/n ) had already eaten breakfast, as well as everyone else. Yano arrived ready for the mission.

"Alright, you got this ( N/n )! We'll be here waiting in case anything happens." Himi said.

"Thanks guys. Okay, you ready Yano?" ( Y/n ) asked turning to look at him.

"Yup, let's go."

"Wish us luck!" ( Y/n ) said waving as they left out the door when everyone said their goodbyes.


At the entrance of UA ( Y/n ) and Yano were already invisible, they could only see each other. They walked in and began heading towards the office. Everyone is already out and training. ( Y/n ) and Yano wore communication devices on their ears, so that they could keep in touch with the others back at the base, incase they needed help.

They walked for a bit and found the door to the office. Thankfully the keys worked and they entered. ( Y/n ) covered every camera she could find with a black cloud of smoke. They searched the cabinets and finally ( Y/n ) found a file that read: 'UA teachers and students.' Yes that's it! She thought to herself. She nudged Yano and showed him the file. He gave a thumbs up. And they left through one of Kurogiri's portals.

Once the cameras were cleared up of ( Y/n )'s quirk, there was no one to be seen.

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