Chapter 4

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~1st person (y/n)~

"Sit down behind Bakugou, the blonde boy." He told me with a sigh. He pointed towards an angry looking boy glaring at me.Well, that must be him. I sighed and walked to the empty seat behind him.

"Alright let's get this over with, my name's Aizawa and I'll be your homeroom teacher. From what I've seen, it seems you've already made acquaintances with everyone else, so let's just get started with the lesson." Talk about lazy. I don't care anyways, I'm probably gonna end up having to kill some of these people. I shouldn't get too attached.

~3rd person (y/n )~

The day had gone by in a flash and (y/n) was already leaving to go back home. She was the last one left in class cause she took a bit longer to pack her things. She still wore her hoodie all day. It was a struggle but she managed to keep her face hidden. Just as she was walking out though Aizawa stopped her in her tracks.

"What do you want?" She said looking down at the floor. She couldn't risk anyone seeing her face, especially one of the teachers. It was hard not to be rude to everyone, since she hates heroes with all her heart.

"Why do you always wear that hoodie?" He asked. He was pretty tall compared to (y/n) so he had to look down at her.

"Because it's comfortable. Now if you'll excuse me I have somewhere to be." She really didn't want to wait any longer because she missed everyone back at the bar. He let go of her with a sigh.

~1st person (y/n)~

Once I was far enough from the school I took off Tomu's sweater and wrapped it around my waist again. Once again I jumped across from one building to another back home. I opened the door and was immediately greeted with a tight hug from Himi.

"(N/n)!!!~~" she said happily.

"Himiiii!!" I was so happy to finally be back.

"Tomura!~ Dabi!~" Himiko called out behind her and almost as soon as she said it, Dabi and Tomura came rushing in from the back room.
Dabi was the first to get to me. He squeezed me in a tight hug.

"Ugh you couldn't have waited till we woke up?" He said as he let go and nudged my head with his hand.

"Oh come on Dabs, you know how late you guys sleep in all the time." I said smiling and rolled my eyes.

Tomu shoved Dabs over and squeezed me in a hug too, lifting a finger on both hands, so that I don't get touched by his quirk. "You could've woken us up, we missed you" he said with a sigh.

"You guys get super grumpy when your woken up, I didn't want to ruin your "beauty sleep"" I chuckled.
Himiko giggled too. Dabi grabbed a pillow and smacked her head with it.

"Oh? So you want a pillow fight?" She said with a smirk.

"It's on"

"Hey don't leave me out of it." Tomu said a little mad but jokingly. We wrestle with each other often and me and Himi are always on a team together against Dabs and Tomu. It's amazing how different we are with each other compared to other people. We truly are like a family.

I looked around. "Where's Giri?" I asked.

"He's...gone- shopping" Said Himi as she covered her head while Dabi and Tomu smacked her with pillows. "Now come on (N/n)!! Help me out against these idiots!" She said laughing. I laughed too and grabbed a pillow to join in.

~1st person Giri~

By the time I arrived back home it was dark out. Finally I'm done shopping. I opened the door to see the bar area empty. They must be in the back room. I placed the bags on the bar table. I noticed dirty plates placed next to the sink. I guess they've eaten supper already. Thank god if they hadn't they would've starved before I had gotten home, since I usually cook for them.

After putting the groceries and supplies I bought I headed to the back room. When I opened the door I saw the lights were turned off and that the tv was on. I looked to the couch to see Dabi, Tomura, Himiko and (Y/n) cuddle together peacefully sleeping on it. It warmed my heart whenever I saw them like this. I slowly closed the door making sure not to wake them up. I didn't turn off the tv because for some reason it helps them sleep.

~1st person (Y/n)~

I woke up in the arms of Tomu, Dabs and Himi as we cuddle together. I slowly got up gently removing myself from their grip so that I didn't wake them up. By now it was much later at night. I stretched and walked lazily out to the main room. When I entered Giri was sitting on one of the stool having a glass of water. He seemed really tired. I walked over and sat next to him. I gave him a gentle hug, resting my head on his shoulder, and sighed. He was like a father to me, always taking care of us and making sure we don't get into too much trouble. He gently rubbed my back as I slowly started to fall back asleep. It always helped when he did that, it was so soothing.

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