Chapter 11. Rewards.

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  "Bacon?" Jax offered the next morning at breakfast.

Last night, when Kealan held me, was the best sleep I had gotten in a very long time.

"Yeah, I'll take some bacon." I said taking the plate from him. Colten choked as I grabbed ten pieces.

"That's some?!" He demanded. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Got a problem with my addiction?" Colten cracked a smile and shook his head.

"Better than my addiction to some good pussy-" Alex elbowed him and yelled loudly.


I laughed and quickly took a drink to cover the sound. Ryder glanced at me and rose to his feet.

"I was thinking, we could go out to dinner tonight, all of us." Ryder offered, or ordered. Which ever it really was.

"Sounds like fun." Kealan said dryly and stared at me openly. I smiled and nodded slightly. I was fine, this was fine.

They weren't doing anything... they were just... being themselves. I could live like this for a while.

Jax turned to me. "Can you tutor me this afternoon? Please? You should have seen that dicks face when I got some questions right -"

Essie came in the room and gasped. "Jax Thomas Knight! Tell me you didn't just say what I think you did?!"

Jax looked up. "But I was talking about Tyler."

Essie smiled and walked over to Colten. "Then that's fine I suppose." She grabbed the plate of bacon as Colten tried to grab some.

"Don't take all the bacon, give November some!"

Colten reached out and sighed heavily as I grinned taking more bacon. "Yeah Colten, you're so rude." I said happily and finished off the bacon.

Alex laughed and shook his head amused. Ryder turned to Kealan. "We need to go now." He paused and turned to Colten. "Watch her."

I looked at Ryder annoyed. "Is that necessary?"

He smirked and turned away. "I see no reason to explain myself to you..." I glared at his back as he walked away.

Colten gazed at me with a shit eating grin. "Me and you November. All day." I raised an eyebrow and stood.

"If you can catch me."

Colten gazed at me in confusion, but gave a shout and stood as I ran. "Help me out Alex," Colten pleaded.

Alex smiled and took a drink of his coffee. "She's yours, all day long. Good luck."

Colten groaned and ran after me. "November!"

I turned my head and glanced at him as I ran down a hall. "Kiss my ass!"

Colten smirked. "You bet I will once I get my hands on you."

I giggled and slid into a bathroom opening a window. Colten gasped when I jumped out not even thinking twice.

I rolled on the grass and easily jumped to my feet before running again. "Slow down! I didn't expect you to be able to run!" Colten shouted struggling to fit out the window.

Colten paused as I stared at him smirking. "Wait, fuck, I'm stuck!" Colten yelled struggling.

I waved a hand turning. "See ya."

Colten cursed again. I covered my mouth giggling as I walked back inside the house. I went back to the dining hall and smiled at Jax.

"Tutoring?" I offered.

Jax blinked. "Where's Colten?"

I smiled. "He got his fat ass stuck in a window."

Alex snorted inhaling the coffee he was drinking. I watched amused as he started laughing and coughing.

Jax nodded and stood. "Come on! We can do it in my room!" I nodded and followed him upstairs. He opened a door and led me in.

I looked around his room and noticed the wall filled with video games. "You like games?"

Jax nodded and looked at me as if expecting me to make fun of him; I didn't.

"Cool, we should play sometime." I offered and sat on his bed. Jax stared at me, cheeks blazing.

"So, what are we working on?" I asked curiously. Jax tapped his fingers together.

"Could you write out some problems for me? Some more advanced ones?"

I nodded and took the paper and pen he offered me. I touched the pen to the page thinking hard.

"If you get half of them right, I'll give you a reward." I offered.

Jax choked and stared at me. "R-really?" He squeaked.

I raised an eyebrow. "What are you imagining, you naughty boy?"

Jax blushed further and nodded. "Right, a reward, what are you giving me?"

I began writing out problems. "Whatever you want, to a certain extent." I offered.

Jax covered his face and turned away. "R-right."

I smiled, amused and handed him the paper. Jax grabbed a pencil and looked down determined.

A good two hours later Jax handed me the paper frowning. I took it and looked it over humming. Jax nibbled on his bottom lip anxiously.

I looked up. "You got thirty right."

Jax grinned. "Sixty percent!"

I nodded and looked at him, still sitting on his bed. "What do you want?"

Jax got another determined look. "I want a kiss for every question I got right."

I froze. I had been expecting something like that, but maybe not for him to be so bold.

"You said anything!" Jax defended.

I raised a finger. "I said to a certain extent."

Jax met my eyes. "Will you do it, or not?" I sighed and nodded.

"Why the fuck not? Get over here Jax." I ordered. Jax inhaled sharply when I motioned him over.
I grabbed his hips firmly and pulled him to the bed flipping him onto his back. I climbed in top of him and smiled.

"Thirty kisses." I whispered pressing my nose into his. Jax was already breathing hard, he was flushed and sweating slightly.

I kissed him softly then pulled back. Jax's pupils blew wide as he stared at me. "Twenty nine." I murmured before bending down and kissed him again.

Our lips moved together a little longer before I pulled back and brushed gentle kisses down his neck. "Twenty two." I breathed before locking lips once more.

Jax reached up pushing his fingers into my hair groaning into my mouth. I nipped at his bottom lip before running my tongue over it to soothe the pain.

He shivered and parted his lips. I smiled and dipped in to taste him. I kissed him briefly before pulling back. Jax chased after my lips panting.

I laughed and pulled up his shirt with my hands. Jax inhaled sharply as I bent down and kissed his stomach. "Nine." I murmured running my hand down his thigh.

Jax moaned and looked down at me. I kissed up his chest and neck before connecting our lips once last time.

I brushed my lips back and forth along his before standing and smiling. "If you ace your next test..." I trailed off making Jax groan again and roll over to bury his face into his pillow.

I laughed again.

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